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Además ofrece acceso al  repositorio de preprints del IAC:

  • Polyvinyl alcohol cryogel phantoms of biological tissues for wideband operation at microwave frequencies
    The aim of this work is to provide a methodology to model the dielectric properties of human tissues based on phantoms prepared with an aqueous solution, in a semi-solid form, by using off-the-shelf components. Polyvinyl alcohol cryogel (PVA-C) has been employed as a novel gelling agent in the fabrication of phantoms for microwave applications in a
    N. Arteaga-Marrero et al.

    Fecha de publicación:

  • Automatic segmentation based in Deep Learning techniques for diabetic foot monitoring through multimodal images
    Temperature data acquired by infrared sensors provide relevant information to assess different medical pathologies in early stages, when the symptoms of the diseases are not visible yet to the naked eye. Currently, a clinical system that exploits the use of multimodal images (visible, depth and thermal infrared) is being developed for diabetic foot
    A. Hernández et al.

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  • Custom-made phantoms for thoracic ultrasound diagnostic and therapeutic applications in clinical practice
    Introduction and Aim: Ultrasound (US) provides valuable information in pathologies related to the lung parenchyma that are in direct contact with the pleura.The aim of this work was to design custom-made low-cost phantoms, whose characteristics mimic the lung parenchyma, to aid professionals in thoracic US imaging. Such phantoms would allow them to
    A.B. Llanos et al.

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  • Bimodal microwave and ultrasound phantoms for non-invasive clinical imaging
    A precise and thorough methodology is presented for the design and fabrication of bimodal phantoms to be used in medical microwave and ultrasound applications. Dielectric and acoustic properties of human soft tissues were simultaneously mimicked. The phantoms were fabricated using polyvinyl alcohol cryogel (PVA-C) as gelling agent at a 10%
    E. Villa et al.

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  • A 3.5-GHz pseudo-correlation type radiometer for biomedical applications
    A pseudo-correlation type radiometer based on astrophysical instrumentation is proposed for biomedical applications. The working frequency band is centred at 3.5 GHz. The prototype performance and functionality are assessed. The theoretical analysis of the receiver topology is described, as well as the subsystems employed in its configuration, such
    E. Villa et al.

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  • A comprehensive empirical investigation of Galactic fast-rotating O-type stars
    Rotation is one of the important parameters affecting the evolution and final fate of massive stars but the origin of fast rotators remains unclear (imprint of the star formation process, result of binary interactions). In this work, we aim at investigating the binary status, photometric variability, and runaway status of a statistically meaningful
    Britavskiy, N. et al.

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