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  • Properties of sunspot light bridges on a geometric height scale
    Context. Investigating light bridges (LBs) helps us comprehend key aspects of sunspots. However, few studies have analyzed the properties of LBs in terms of the geometric height, which is a more realistic perspective given the corrugation of the solar atmosphere. Aims. We aim to shed light on LBs by studying the variation in their physical
    Esteban Pozuelo, S. et al.

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  • Results of the follow-up of ANTARES neutrino alerts
    High-energy neutrinos could be produced in the interaction of charged cosmic rays with matter or radiation surrounding astrophysical sources. To look for transient sources associated with neutrino emission, a follow-up program of neutrino alerts has been operating within the ANTARES collaboration since 2009. This program, named TAToO, has triggered
    Albert, A. et al.

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  • RMS asymmetry: a robust metric of galaxy shapes in images with varied depth and resolution
    Structural disturbances, such as galaxy mergers or instabilities, are key candidates for driving galaxy evolution, so it is important to detect and quantify galaxies hosting these disturbances spanning a range of masses, environments, and cosmic times. Traditionally, this is done by quantifying the asymmetry of a galaxy as part of the concentration
    Sazonova, Elizaveta et al.

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  • TESS Investigation—Demographics of Young Exoplanets (TI-DYE). II. A Second Giant Planet in the 17 Myr System HIP 67522
    The youngest (<50 Myr) planets are vital to understand planet formation and early evolution. The 17 Myr system HIP 67522 is already known to host a giant (≃10R ⊕) planet on a tight orbit. In their discovery paper, Rizzuto et al. reported a tentative single-transit detection of an additional planet in the system using TESS. Here, we report the
    Barber, Madyson G. et al.

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  • The CARMENES search for exoplanets around M dwarfs: Magnesium and silicon abundances of K7–M5.5 stars
    We present the abundances of magnesium (Mg) and silicon (Si) for 314 dwarf stars with spectral types in the interval K7.0–M5.5 (T eff range ≈ 4200–3050 K) observed with the CARMENES high-resolution spectrograph at the 3.5 m telescope at the Calar Alto Observatory. Our analysis employs the BT-Settl model atmospheres, the radiative transfer code
    Tabernero, H. M. et al.

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  • The Pristine Inner Galaxy Survey (PIGS): IX. The largest detailed chemical analysis of very metal-poor stars in the Sagittarius dwarf galaxy
    The most metal-poor stars provide valuable insights into the early chemical enrichment history of a system, carrying the chemical imprints of the first generations of supernovae. The most metal-poor region of the Sagittarius dwarf galaxy remains inadequately observed and characterised. To date, only ∼4 stars with [Fe/H] < ‑2.0 have been chemically
    Sestito, Federico et al.

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