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  • Alicante Survey of Massive Stars in H II regions (A-SMASHER)
    The aim of this survey is the homogeneous characterization of a large sample of H II regions with active star formation in order to detect observational trends supporting the two main models of massive star formation.
    Marco, A. et al.

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  • An exploration of Cygnus OB2 and perspectives for the upcoming WEAVE High-Resolution Cygnus Survey
    During the last years we have carried out different studies in the Cygnus OB2 association based on new spectroscopic data and benefiting from the unprecedented Gaia astrometry. They include membership, chemical and structure studies, that allowed us to discern for the first time ever between two stellar groups separated by several hundred parsecs
    Berlanas, Sara R. et al.

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  • Apparently isolated massive stars within Galactic HII regions
    The Alicante Survey of MAssive Stars in Hii Regions (A-SMASHeR) is aimed at finding the ratio of massive stars that are born in isolation. We present LIRIS/WHT images and EMIR/GTC spectra of the massive stellar content in A-SMASHeR regions. Our preliminary analysis yields ∼20% of regions hosting relatively (or truly) isolated massive stars.
    de la Fuente, Diego et al.

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  • Astro+: Design, construction, and scientific exploitation of a large-scale massive star spectroscopic database
    Massive stars are the objects that condition the evolution of the interstellar medium by the amount of energy released during their lives and especially by their death as a supernova explosion. All the data provided by the previous and ongoing missions of ground and space telescopes have saturated us with the amount of information, which is no
    Rübke, Klaus et al.

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  • Hot stars in the Gaia-ESO Survey
    The Gaia-ESO Survey (GES) is a large public spectroscopic survey that has collected spectra of about 100,000 stars. The survey provides not only the reduced spectra, but also the radial velocities, stellar parameters and surface abundances resulting from the analysis of the spectra. We present the work of the groups that analysed the spectra of the
    Blomme, R. et al.

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  • Hunting for red supergiant binaries: UVIT photometry of the SMC
    . We present UVIT/Astrosat UV photometry of the RSG population of the Small Cloud galaxy (SMC). As RSGs are extremely faint in the far-UV, these observations directly probe potential companion stars. From a sample of 861 SMC RSGs, we find 88 have detections at far-UV wavelengths: a clear signature of binarity. Stellar parameters are determined for
    Patrick, Lee R. et al.

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