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Además ofrece acceso al  repositorio de preprints del IAC:

  • Massive stars in metal-poor dwarf galaxies are often extreme rotators
    We probe how common extremely rapid rotation is among massive stars in the early universe by measuring the OBe star fraction in nearby metal-poor dwarf galaxies. We apply a new method that uses broad-band photometry to measure the galaxy-wide OBe star fractions in the Magellanic Clouds and three more distant, more metal-poor dwarf galaxies. We find
    Schootemeijer, Abel et al.

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  • On the elusive detection of O-type stars close to the ZAMS: the empirical birthline of massive stars
    In this contribution we present the results from a 1 homogeneous quantitative spectroscopic analysis of ∼400 Galactic O-type stars targeted by the IACOB and OWN surveys. The ultimate objective is to perform a modern reassessment of one of the long-standing problems in the field of massive stars: the elusive detection of mid O-type stars close to
    Holgado, G. et al.

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  • Strong lithium lines in red supergiants at different metallicities
    Current models of stellar evolution predict that stars more massive than ∼6 M ⊙ should have completely depleted all lithium (Li) in their atmospheres by the time when they reach the He core burning phase. Against this, a non-negligible number of red giants with masses ≳6 M ⊙ presenting strong Li lines have recently been reported. Motivated by this
    Negueruela, Ignacio et al.

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  • The impact of binary interaction on the main-sequence morphology of young star clusters
    Since massive stars form preferentially as members of close binary systems, we use dense grids of detailed binary evolution models to explore how binary evolution shapes the main-sequence morphology of young star clusters. We propose that binary mergers might be the origin of the blue main sequence stars in young star clusters. Our results imply
    Wang, Chen et al.

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  • The largest and most ambitious quantitative spectroscopic analysis of B-type supergiants in the Milky Way
    Empirical constraints are master keys for testing theoretical evolutionary model predictions. In massive stars, the region in the Hertzsprung-Russell diagram (HRD) in which the Blue Supergiants (BSGs) are located sets several important constraints to the models, and in particular to the theoretical end of the main sequence (MS). So far, we are
    de Burgos, Abel et al.

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  • The spin rate properties of Galactic massive O-type stars
    We present results from a recent study of the spin rate properties of a sample of more than 400 Galactic O-type stars surveyed by the IACOB and OWN projects. We combine vsini, Teff, and logg estimates with information about the spectroscopic binarity status for 285 of the stars in the sample, and provide a renewed overview about how the empirical
    Holgado, G. et al.

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