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  • INSPIRE: INvestigating Stellar Population In RElics - VI. The low-mass end slope of the stellar initial mass function and chemical composition
    The INSPIRE project has built the largest sample of ultra-compact massive galaxies (UCMGs) at 0.1 < z < 0.4 and obtained their star formation histories (SFHs). Due to their preserved very old stellar populations, relics are the perfect systems to constrain the earliest epochs of mass assembly in the Universe and the formation of massive early-type
    Maksymowicz-Maciata, Michalina et al.

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  • LiteBIRD science goals and forecasts: a full-sky measurement of gravitational lensing of the CMB
    We explore the capability of measuring lensing signals in LiteBIRD full-sky polarization maps. With a 30 arcmin beam width and an impressively low polarization noise of 2.16 μK-arcmin, LiteBIRD will be able to measure the full-sky polarization of the cosmic microwave background (CMB) very precisely. This unique sensitivity also enables the
    Lonappan, A. I. et al.

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  • LiteBIRD science goals and forecasts: improving sensitivity to inflationary gravitational waves with multitracer delensing
    We estimate the efficiency of mitigating the lensing B-mode polarization, the so-called delensing, for the LiteBIRD experiment with multiple external data sets of lensing-mass tracers. The current best bound on the tensor-to-scalar ratio, r, is limited by lensing rather than Galactic foregrounds. Delensing will be a critical step to improve
    Namikawa, T. et al.

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  • Magnetic activity of red giants: Correlation between the amplitude of solar-like oscillations and chromospheric indicators
    Previous studies have found that red giants (RGs) in close binary systems undergoing spin-orbit resonance exhibit an enhanced level of magnetic activity with respect to single RGs rotating at the same rate, from measurements of photometric variability, S ph ', and the chromospheric emission S-index, S Ca II. Here, we consider a sample of 4465 RGs
    Gehan, C. et al.

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  • Modelling of surface brightness fluctuation measurements. Methodology, uncertainty, and recommendations
    Aims: The goal of this work is to scrutinise the surface brightness fluctuation (SBF) calculation methodology. We analysed the SBF derivation procedure, measured the accuracy of the fitted SBF under controlled conditions, retrieved the uncertainty associated with the variability of a system that is inherently stochastic, and studied the SBF
    Rodríguez-Beltrán, P. et al.

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  • Optical properties of Y dwarfs observed with the Gran Telescopio Canarias
    Aims: Our science goals are to characterise the optical properties of Y dwarfs and to study their consistency with theoretical models. Methods: A sample of five Y dwarfs was observed with three optical and near-infrared instruments at the 10.4m Gran Telescopio Canarias. Deep near-infrared (J- or H-band) and multicolour optical images (z-, i-, r-, G
    Martín, E. L. et al.

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