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  • The effects of environment on galaxies' dynamical structures: From simulations to observations
    We studied the effects of cluster environments on galactic structures by using the TNG50 cosmological simulation and observed galaxies in the Fornax cluster. We focused on galaxies with stellar masses of 10 8 − 12 M ⊙ at z = 0 that reside in Fornax-like clusters with total masses of M 200c = 10 13.4 − 14.3 M ⊙. We characterized the stellar
    Ding, Y. et al.

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  • The molecular gas perspective on the growth and death of H emitters in the Spiderweb protocluster at Alpha z=2.16
    Galaxy clusters at low redshift are dominated by massive quiescent galaxies hosting stellar populations 10 Gyrs old, indicating that they were formed in the early universe when clusters were still in the process of being assembled (i.e., protoclusters). The rapid growth of galaxies within protoclusters is driven by the efficient transformation of
    Martinez, J. M. P.

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  • Asteroid reflectance spectra from Gaia DR3: Near-UV in primitive asteroids
    Context. In the context of charge-coupled devices (CCDs), the ultraviolet (UV) region has mostly remained unexplored after the 1990s. Gaia DR3 offers the community a unique opportunity to explore tens of thousands of asteroids in the near-UV as a proxy of the UV absorption. This absorption has been proposed in previous works as a diagnostic of
    Tinaut-Ruano, F. et al.

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  • Boron Abundances in Early B Dwarfs of the Galactic Open Cluster NGC 3293
    New boron abundances or upper limits have been determined for eight early B stars in the young Galactic open cluster NGC 3293, using UV spectra obtained by the Hubble Space Telescope Cosmic Origins Spectrograph. With previous observations, there are now 18 early B stars in this cluster with boron measurements. Six of the newly observed stars have
    Proffitt, Charles R. et al.

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  • Deep HST Imaging Favors the Bulgeless Edge-on Galaxy Explanation for the Hypothetical Stellar Wake Created by a Runaway Supermassive Black Hole
    A long linear structure recently discovered could be the stellar wake produced by the passage of a runaway supermassive black hole (SMBH) or, alternatively, a bulgeless edge-on galaxy. We report on new very deep Hubble Space Telescope imaging that seems to be in tension with the SMBH runaway scenario but is consistent with the bulgeless edge-on
    Montes, Mireia et al.

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  • Impact of beam far side-lobe knowledge in the presence of foregrounds for LiteBIRD
    We present a study of the impact of a beam far side-lobe lack of knowledge on the measurement of the Cosmic Microwave Background B-mode signal at large scale. Beam far side-lobes induce a mismatch in the transfer function of Galactic foregrounds between the dipole and higher multipoles which degrads the performances of component separation methods
    Leloup, C. et al.

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