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Además ofrece acceso al  repositorio de preprints del IAC:

  • SN 2020pvb: A Type IIn-P supernova with a precursor outburst
    We present photometric and spectroscopic datasets for SN 2020pvb, a Type IIn-P supernova (SN) that is similar to SNe 1994W, 2005cl, 2009kn, and 2011ht, with a precursor outburst detected (PS1 w band ∼-13.8 mag) around four months before the B-band maximum light. SN 2020pvb presents a relatively bright light curve that peaked at M B = −17.95 ± 0.30
    Elias-Rosa, N. et al.

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  • Author Correction: Transverse oscillations and an energy source in a strongly magnetized sunspot
    Yuan, Ding et al.

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  • A Catalogue and analysis of ultra-diffuse galaxy spectroscopic properties
    In order to facilitate the future study of ultra-diffuse galaxies (UDGs), we compile a catalogue of their spectroscopic properties. Using it, we investigate some of the biases inherent in the current UDG sample that have been targeted for spectroscopy. In comparison to a larger sample of UDGs studied via their spectral energy distributions (SED)
    Gannon, Jonah S. et al.

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  • A survey for radio emission from white dwarfs in the VLA Sky Survey
    Radio emission has been detected from tens of white dwarfs, in particular in accreting systems. Additionally, radio emission has been predicted as a possible outcome of a planetary system around a white dwarf. We searched for 3 GHz radio continuum emission in 846 000 candidate white dwarfs previously identified in Gaia using the Very Large Array
    Pelisoli, Ingrid et al.

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  • An arcsecond view at 1-2 GHz into the Galactic Bulge
    We present the results of a high angular resolution (1.1 arcsec) and sensitivity (maximum of ~0.1 mJy) radio survey at 1-2 GHz in the Galactic Bulge. This complements the X-ray Chandra Galactic Bulge Survey, and investigates the full radio source population in this dense Galactic region. Radio counterparts to sources at other wavelengths can aid in
    Pattie, E. C. et al.

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  • Analysis of galaxies at the extremes: a kinematic analysis of the Virgo cluster dwarfs VCC 9 and VCC 1448 using the Keck cosmic web imager
    We present spatially resolved Keck Cosmic Web Imager stellar spectroscopy of the Virgo cluster dwarf galaxies VCC 9 and VCC 1448. These galaxies have similar stellar masses and large half-light radii but very different globular cluster (GC) system richness (~25 versus ~99 GCs). Using the KCWI data, we spectroscopically confirm 10 GCs associated
    Gannon, Jonah S. et al.

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