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Además ofrece acceso al  repositorio de preprints del IAC:

  • Statistical and physical infrared properties of AGN as measured by SWIRE
    SWIRE's wide-area multi-band coverage offers unprecedented opportunities for constructing large, unbiased AGN samples and for studying their cosmological evolution and physical properties. Here we present a collection of SWIRE results, namely on the infrared (IR) luminosity functions and on the tori characteristics of type-1 AGN. Type-1 AGN show
    Hatziminaoglou, E. et al.

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  • Status and scientific performance of Elmer, a multi-purpose instrument for the GTC
    ELMER is an instrument for the GTC designed to observe between 365 and 1000 nm. The observing modes for the instrument at Day One shall be: Imaging, Long Slit and Mask-Multi-object Spectroscopy, Slit-less multi-object spectroscopy, Fast Photometry and Fast short-slit spectroscopy, over a FOV of 4.2 arcmin diameter. Spectral resolutions of 250, 1000
    García-Vargas, M. L. et al.

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  • Status of the physics of substellar objects
    A full understanding of the properties of substellar objects is one of the major challenges facing astrophysics. Since their discovery in 1995, we have discovered hundreds of brown dwarfs and extrasolar planets. While these discoveries have enabled important comparisons with theory, observational progress has been much more rapid than the
    Jones, H. R. A. et al.

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  • Stellar and Substellar Mass Function of the Young Open Cluster Candidates Alessi 5 and β Monocerotis
    Although the stellar and substellar populations have been studied in various young and old open clusters, additional studies in clusters in the the age range from 5 to 100 Myr is crucial (e.g. to give more constrains on initial mass function variation with improved statistics). Among the open cluster candidates from recent studies, two clusters are
    Boudreault, S. et al.

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  • Stellar Atmospheric Parameters: The Four-Step Program and Gaia's Radial Velocity Spectrometer
    The determination of atmospheric parameters is the first and most fundamental step in the analysis of a stellar spectrum. Current and forthcoming surveys involve samples of up to several million stars, and therefore fully automated approaches are required to handle not just data reduction but also the analysis, and in particular the determination
    Allende Prieto, Carlos

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  • Stellar Coronal Abundances at Intermediate-Activity Levels: ξ UMa
    We present an analysis of Chandra High Energy Transmission Grating (HETG) spectra of the corona of the critical intermediate-activity, quadruple stellar system ξ UMa. Using the maximum A/B subsystem separation in 2001, we attempted to resolve for the first time in X-rays the two components using the HETG Medium Energy Grating (MEG). We found the Aa
    Ball, B. et al.

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