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  • Stellar p-mode oscillations signal in Procyon A from MOST data
    Recently, Matthews et al. (2004, Nature, 430, 51) claim a null detection of p-mode oscillations in Procyon A from 32 days of nearly continuous photometric satellite-based observations (MOST). They did not even find evidence in the Fourier amplitude spectrum of Procyon of the uniform frequency spacing signature that solar-like stars acoustic
    Régulo, C. et al.

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  • Stellar physics with the ALHAMBRA photometric system
    The ALHAMBRA photometric system was specifically designed to perform a tomography of the Universe in some selected areas. Although mainly designed for extragalactic purposes, its 20 contiguous, equal-width, medium-band photometric system in the optical wavelength range, shows a great capacity for stellar classification. In this contribution we
    Aparicio Villegas, T. et al.

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  • Stellar populations in interacting systems of the Second Byurakan Survey
    We have started an observing program to study the whole sample of interaction systems from the Second Byurakan Survey (SBS) (around 20 sky fields) using a CCD camera and the B, R, and H α filters. The objectives of this project are: (1) to link the histories of the star formation and nuclear activity in these systems with the morphologic type of
    Franco-Balderas, A. et al.

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  • Stellar Velocity Profiles and Line-Strengths out to Four Effective Radii in the Early-Type Galaxy NGC 3379
    We describe a new technique to measure stellar kinematics and line-strengths at large radii in nearby galaxies. Using the integral-field spectrograph SAURON as a ‘photon-collector’, we obtain spectra out to four effective radii (Re) in the early-type galaxy NGC 3379. By fitting orbit-based models to the extracted stellar velocity profile, we find
    Weijmans, A. et al.

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  • Steps toward Determination of the Size and Structure of the Broad-Line Region in Active Galactic Nuclei. XIII. Ultraviolet Observations of the Broad-Line Radio Galaxy 3C 390.3
    As part of an extensive multiwavelength monitoring campaign, the International Ultraviolet Explorer satellite was used to observe the broad-line radio galaxy 3C 390.3 during the period 1994 December 31-1996 March 5. Spectra were obtained every 6-10 days. The UV continuum varied by a factor of 7 through the campaign, while the broad emission lines
    O'Brien, P. T. et al.

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  • Sternenzwillinge und ihre gemeinsamen Unterschiede
    Wie bei menschlichen Zwillingen können sich auch Sternzwillinge durchaus starkvoneinander unterscheiden. Wie sehr, das hängt in erster Linie von der jeweiligen Masse der Geschwistersterne und deren Massenverhältnis zueinander ab. Doppelsterne werden meist gemeinsam geboren. Es ist dann ihre jeweilige Masse, die über deren
    Beck, P. G. et al.

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