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  • Sternenzwillinge und ihre gemeinsamen Unterschiede
    Wie bei menschlichen Zwillingen kännen sich auch Sternzwillinge durchaus stark voneinander unterscheiden. Wie sehr, das hängt in erster Linie von der jeweiligen Masse der Geschwistersterne und deren Massenverhältnis zueinander ab.
    Beck, P. G. et al.

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  • Strategies for AGN characterisation in the OTELO survey
    We present the current status of definition of the observational and analysis strategies for the study of Active Galactic Nuclei (AGN) in the OTELO survey. The main goal of this project is to determine the fraction of each species of AGN and their luminosity functions.
    Sánchez-Portal, M. et al.

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  • Stray Light Shielding for Formation Flying X-ray Telescopes
    Recent planning for Constellation-X has driven the exploration of grazing incidence telescopes with focal lengths of 50 m or greater. Formation flying, wherein separate optic and detector spacecraft travel in formation, is one approach to implementing such long focal lengths. This approach eliminates the telescope tube that is an integral part of
    Reid, P. B. et al.

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  • Strömgren Photometry of Galactic Globular Clusters. II. Metallicity Distribution of Red Giants in ω Centauri
    We present new intermediate-band Strömgren photometry based on more than 300 u, v, b, y images of the Galactic globular cluster ω Cen. Optical data were supplemented with new multiband near-infrared (NIR) photometry (350 J, H, Ks images). The final optical-NIR catalog covers a region of more than 20 × 20 arcmin squared across the cluster center. We
    Calamida, A. et al.

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  • Strong Chromatic Microlensing in HE0047–1756 and SDSS1155+6346
    We use spectra of the double-lensed quasars HE0047–1756 and SDSS1155+6346 to study their unresolved structure through the impact of microlensing. There is no significant evidence of microlensing in the emission line profiles except for the Lyα line of SDSS1155+6346, which shows strong differences in the shapes for images A and B. However, the
    Rojas, K. et al.

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  • Structure and Evolution of Disk Galaxies in the GOODS Fields
    Non-axisymmetric features (such as bars and spirals) as well as general triaxialities (such as those of the bulge and halo) drive the dynamical and secular evolution of disk galaxies by exerting gravitational torques which redistribute mass and angular momentum. While most (> 70 %) spirals are barred in the local Universe, early studies of the HDF
    Jogee, S. et al.

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