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Además ofrece acceso al  repositorio de preprints del IAC:

  • Star formation in the circumnuclear regions of barred galaxies
    Barred galaxies frequently exhibit central starburst activity, typically concentrated in circumnuclear rings. Much of direct and circumstantial evidence speaks in favor of bar-induced fueling of star-forming activity in these galaxies. We present results, partly preliminary, for three galaxies which were studied through high-resolution imaging in
    Knapen, J. H. et al.

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  • Star-Forming Nuclear Rings in Spiral Galaxies
    The study of gas transport to the inner regions of galaxies is a fundamental aspect in our understanding of the way galaxies evolve. In this context, star-forming nuclear rings are key features as they contain large amounts of gas and are the sites where a significant fraction of the current star formation is taking place in their host galaxies
    Falcón-Barroso, Jesús et al.

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  • Starburst galaxy morphologies at z ˜ 0.04, z ˜ 0.5, and z ˜ 3
    One major difficulty in probing the nature of Lyman break galaxies (LBGs) at z ˜ 3 is the mismatch between our best images of LBGs, which are in the rest-UV, and the best images of local galaxies, which are in the rest-optical. To make direct comparisons between LBGs at z ˜ 3 and more local star-forming galaxies, we use HST/STIS to image a set of
    Durham, R. N. et al.

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  • Stars at Low Metallicity in Dwarf Galaxies
    Dwarf galaxies offer an opportunity to understand the properties of low metallicity star formation both today and at the earliest times at the epoch of the formation of the first stars. Here we concentrate on two galaxies in the Local Group: the dwarf irregular galaxy Leo A, which has been the recent target of deep HST/ACS imaging (Cole et al. 2007
    Tolstoy, Eline et al.

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  • Stationkeeping of a quasiperiodic halo orbit using invariant manifolds
    Stationkeeping of quasiperiodic orbits near a periodic halo orbit of the Earth+Moon-Sun system is analyzed. The full solar system is considered as a perturbation of the restricted three body problem. In the full solar system the periodic orbits are lost but the system still has quasi periodic solutions relatively close to the previous halo orbits
    Simo, C. et al.

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