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  • Spectral energy distribution and line blanketing in beta Ori.
    Not Available
    Crivellari, L. et al.

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  • Spectral Line Selection for HMI
    We present information on two spectral lines, Fe I 6173 Å and Ni I 6768 Å, that were candidates for use in the Helioseismic and Magnetic Imager (HMI) instrument. Both Fe I and Ni I profiles have clean continuum and no blends that threaten performance. The higher Landé factor of Fe I means its operational velocity range in regions of strong magnetic
    Norton, A. A. et al.

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  • Spectral Line Selection for HMI: A Comparison of Fe I 6173 Å and Ni I 6768 Å
    We present a study of two spectral lines, Fe I 6173 Å and Ni I 6768 Å, that were candidates to be used in the Helioseismic and Magnetic Imager (HMI) for observing Doppler velocity and the vector magnetic field. The line profiles were studied using the Mt. Wilson Observatory, the Advanced Stokes Polarimeter and the Kitt Peak-McMath Pierce telescope
    Norton, A. A. et al.

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  • Spectral lines unaffected by instrumental polarization. 1: Theory
    We propose a new approach to minimize the instrumental polarization (IP) of current polarimetric observations. It is shown how the instrumental polarization can be deduced and removed, by using lines with no intrinsic linear polarization. Notably, no specific understanding of the polarizing properties of our optical setup is required. For the
    Sanchez Almeida, J. et al.

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  • Spectro-Polarimetric Observations of Filaments in Hα and He I D3
    Recordings of the full Stokes vector of filaments in the Hα and He I D3 lines were obtained at the Gregory-Coudé telescope in Locarno with the polarimeter ZIMPOL. The aim was to perform preliminary studies to explore the presence of forward scattering polarization. The observations show linear polarization signatures, whose interpretation is still
    Bianda, M. et al.

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  • Spectro-Polarimetry of Solar Prominences
    A large set of high-precision, full-Stokes spectro-polarimetric observations of prominences in He I D3, Hα, and Hβ lines has been recorded with the ZIMPOL polarimeter at the Gregory-Coudé Telescope in Locarno. The observational technique allows us to obtain measurements free from seeing-induced spurious effects. The instrumental polarization is
    Ramelli, R. et al.

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