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Además ofrece acceso al  repositorio de preprints del IAC:

  • Solar structure from global studies of the 5-minute oscillation
    An overall view of the solar surface is presented with emphasis on the study of low 1 value oscillations. Line of sight velocity measurements of the whole solar disk were made using optical resonance spectroscopy. Constancy of the peak of spectral emission is demonstrated in two ways; first, the observed peaks in the power spectra are numbered
    Claverie, A. et al.

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  • Some Spectroscopic Methods for Astrophysical Plasma Research
    Here we will present some spectroscopic methods for emission gas research in the emission line region of Active Galactic Nuclei (AGNs): (1) We will demonstrate the possibility to use the Boltzmann-plot method to estimate the physical conditions in the broad line regions (BLRs) (2) We will discuss the applicability of so called ``Gaussian method''
    Popović, L. Č. et al.

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  • SONG-OT: The prototype SONG node at Tenerife
    The prototype SONG node, SONG-OT, is currently being installed and tested at Observatory del Teide on Tenerife. SONG will be a global network of 1-m robotic telescopes, equipped with a high-resolution échelle spectrograph and dual-colour lucky imaging cameras. The network will be devoted to the seismic study of bright stars and characterisation of
    SONG Team et al.

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  • Spatial Cross Spectrum: Reducing Incoherent Convective Background of Resolved Helioseismic Instruments
    García, R. A. et al.

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  • Spatially resolved physical and chemical properties of the planetary nebula NGC 3242
    Aims: Optical integral-field spectroscopy was used to investigate the planetary nebula NGC 3242. We analysed the main morphological components of this source, including its knots, but not the halo. In addition to revealing the properties of the physical and chemical nature of this nebula, we also provide reliable spatially resolved constraints that
    Corradi, R. L. M. et al.

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  • Spectra of asteroid families in support of Gaia
    Spectroscopy of asteroids can be diagnostic of their surface composition and other properties such as internal structure. The European Space Agency's Gaia mission will result in a dramatic increase in the number and quality of asteroid spectra in the 0.35–0.9 μm wavelength range. This homogeneous set of spectra, with high sensitivity in the near
    Campins, Humberto et al.

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