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  • Soft X-ray transient light curves as standard candles: exponential versus linear decays
    A recent paper by King & Ritter proposed that the light curves of soft X-ray transients (SXTs) are dominated by the effect of irradiation of the accretion disc by the central X-rays. This prevents the onset of the cooling wave which would otherwise return the disc to the quiescent state, and so prolongs the outbursts beyond those in dwarf nova
    Shahbaz, T. et al.

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  • Solar Abundance Corrections Derived Through Three-dimensional Magnetoconvection Simulations
    We explore the effect of the magnetic field when using realistic three-dimensional convection experiments to determine solar element abundances. By carrying out magnetoconvection simulations with a radiation-hydro code (the Copenhagen stagger code) and through a posteriori spectral synthesis of three Fe I lines, we obtain evidence that moderate
    Fabbian, D. et al.

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  • Solar Fe abundance and magnetic fields. Towards a consistent reference metallicity
    Aims: We investigate the impact on Fe abundance determination of including magnetic flux in series of 3D radiation-magnetohydrodynamics (MHD) simulations of solar convection, which we used to synthesize spectral intensity profiles corresponding to disc centre. Methods: A differential approach is used to quantify the changes in theoretical
    Fabbian, D. et al.

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  • Solar irradiance, cosmic rays and cloudiness over daily timescales
    Although over centennial and greater timescales solar variability may be one of the most influential climate forcing agents, the extent to which solar activity influences climate over shorter time periods is poorly understood. If a link exists between solar activity and climate, it is likely via a mechanism connected to one (or a combination) of
    Laken, B. A. et al.

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  • Solar Luminosity Oscillation Telescope (SLOT)
    Low degree l=0-2 solar p-modes were detected with the SLOT instruments at Izana and Baja California. The main source of noise for these ground based observations is in the terrestrial atmosphere. However, the data acquisition system still has to have very low intrinsic noise. It is shown how this is achieved in the SLOT instruments. Design and
    Andersen, Bo Nyborg et al.

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  • Solar luminosity oscillations from two stations and correlation with velocity measurements
    Since 1984 the measurements of a quadruple photometer sited at the Observatorio del Teide (Izana, Tenerife) made it possible to identify the p-mode luminosity spectrum with simultaneous velocity observations. Comparing this data, the adiabatic behavior of solar atmosphere and theoretical expectations from solar models were tested. In order to
    Jimenez, A. et al.

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