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  • Chemical Cartography with APOGEE: Two-process Parameters and Residual Abundances for 288,789 Stars from Data Release 17
    Stellar abundance measurements are subject to systematic errors that induce extra scatter and artificial correlations in elemental abundance patterns. We derive empirical calibration offsets to remove systematic trends with surface gravity in 17 elemental abundances of 288,789 evolved stars from the SDSS APOGEE survey. We fit these corrected
    Sit, Tawny et al.

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  • Dust beyond the torus: revealing the mid-infrared heart of local Seyfert ESO 428-G14 with JWST/MIRI
    Polar dust has been discovered in a number of local active galactic nuclei (AGN), with radiation-driven torus models predicting a wind to be its main driver. However, little is known about its characteristics, spatial extent, or connection to the larger scale outflows. We present the first JWST/MIRI study aimed at imaging polar dust by zooming on
    Haidar, Houda et al.

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  • From eruption to post-flare rain: A 2.5D MHD model
    Context. Erupting magnetic flux ropes play an important role in producing solar flares, whereas fine-scale condensed coronal rain is often found in post-flare loops. However, the formation of the MFRs in the pre-flare stage and how this leads to coronal rain in a post-eruption magnetic loop is not fully understood. Aims: We explore the formation
    Sen, Samrat et al.

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  • Galaxy Ages with Redshift z = 2–4: Stellar Population Synthesis for Candidates in FourStar Galaxy Evolution Survey
    Observations of large amounts of massive galaxies with relatively old populations found at high redshifts are challenging galaxy formation scenarios within the standard cosmology. Precise determinations of the average age of these galaxies would be useful for the discussion of this problem. Here we carry out a better constraint of the age of 200 V
    Gao, Chong-Yu et al.

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  • HD152843 b & c: the masses and orbital periods of a sub-Neptune and a superpuff Neptune
    We present the characterization of the two transiting planets around HD 152843 (TOI 2319, TIC 349488688) using an intensive campaign of HARPS-N radial velocities, and two sectors of TESS data. These data reveal a unique and fascinating system: HD 152843 b and c have near equal masses of around 9 $M_{\hbox{$\oplus $}}$ but differing radii of $3.05
    Nicholson, B. A. et al.

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  • Hydrodynamic simulations of cool stellar atmospheres with MANCHA
    Context. Three-dimensional time-dependent simulations of stellar atmospheres are essential to study the surface of stars other than the Sun. These simulations require the opacity binning method to reduce the computational cost of solving the radiative transfer equation down to viable limits. The method depends on a series of free parameters, among
    Perdomo García, A. et al.

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