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  • Magnetic Fields in M-dwarf Members of the Pleiades Open Cluster Using APOGEE Spectra
    Average magnetic field measurements are presented for 62 M-dwarf members of the Pleiades open cluster, derived from Zeeman-enhanced Fe I lines in the H band. A Markov Chain Monte Carlo methodology was employed to model magnetic filling factors using Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) IV APOGEE high-resolution spectra, along with the radiative transfer
    Wanderley, Fábio et al.

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  • Rotational synchronisation of B-type binaries in 30 Doradus
    The spin evolution of stars in close binary systems can be strongly affected by tides. We investigate the rotational synchronisation of the stellar components for 69 SB1 systems and 14 SB2 B-type systems in the 30 Doradus region of the Large Magellanic Cloud using observations from the VFTS and BBC surveys. Their orbital periods range from a few to
    Lennon, D. J. et al.

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  • SiO maser polarization and magnetic field in evolved cool stars
    Context. Magnetic fields, photospheric and atmospheric dynamics can be involved in triggering the high mass loss observed in evolved cool stars. Previous works have revealed that the magnetic field of these objects extends beyond their surface. The origin of this magnetic field is still debated. The possible mechanisms include a turbulent dynamo
    Marinho, L. et al.

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  • Solar multiobject multiframe blind deconvolution with a spatially variant convolution neural emulator
    Context. The study of astronomical phenomena through ground-based observations is always challenged by the distorting effects of Earth's atmosphere. Traditional methods of post facto image correction, essential for correcting these distortions, often rely on simplifying assumptions that limit their effectiveness, particularly in the presence of
    Asensio Ramos, A.

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  • The CARMENES search for exoplanets around M dwarfs. Revisiting the GJ 581 multi-planetary system with new Doppler measurements from CARMENES, HARPS, and HIRES
    Context. GJ 581 is a nearby M dwarf known to host a packed multiple planet system composed of two super-Earths and a Neptune-mass planet. We present new orbital analyses of the GJ 581 system, utilizing recent radial velocity (RV) data obtained from the CARMENES spectrograph combined with newly reprocessed archival data from the HARPS and HIRES
    von Stauffenberg, A. et al.

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  • TOI-1408: Discovery and Photodynamical Modeling of a Small Inner Companion to a Hot Jupiter Revealed by Transit Timing Variations
    We report the discovery and characterization of a small planet, TOI-1408 c, on a 2.2 day orbit located interior to a previously known hot Jupiter, TOI-1408 b (P = 4.42 days, M = 1.86 ± 0.02 M Jup, R = 2.4 ± 0.5 R Jup) that exhibits grazing transits. The two planets are near 2:1 period commensurability, resulting in significant transit timing
    Korth, Judith et al.

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