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  • The importance of professional role models and changing stereotypes in fostering STEM vocations
    Recent studies show that in Europe we are losing women's talent in some key disciplines for the future, particularly those directly related to astronomy. In order to get more girls and young women interested in the so-called STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) fields, it is necessary to change the highly entrenched stereotypes
    Rodríguez Eugenio, Nayra

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  • The LIGHTS survey
    LIGHTS is an ultra-deep imaging survey that is 10 years ahead of the science to be done with the Vera Rubin Observatory. In this talk, I will update the current status of the survey with more than 25 nearby galaxies already observed with the LBT telescope in Arizona up to surface brightness ~31 mag/arcsec^2 in g and r bands. I will also discuss the
    Montes, Mireia

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  • The luminosity functions of an homogeneous sample of 50 young nearby open clusters
    Open clusters are groups of coeval stars sharing properties such as distance and metallicity, and they are key to understanding stellar evolution. We shed light on the evolution of open clusters with a special focus on the universality of the luminosity function. We applied an upgraded version of the convergent point technique on about 50 open
    Lodieu, Nicolas et al.

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  • The mysterious globular cluster population of NGC5846-UDG1 (MATLAS-2019)
    The number of globular clusters plays a fundamental role in understanding the early stages of galaxy formation. We know that the GC population of normal galaxies correlates with the amount of dark matter in these objects. Extending this analysis to the number of globulars in very low surface brightness galaxies is therefore key to understanding the
    Guerra Arencibia, Sergio et al.

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  • The mysterious U-shape of colour profiles observed in ultra-deep imaging of disk galaxies
    It has been 20 years since the classification of galaxy disk types observed in deep imaging was established. These classifications, which notably consist of pure exponential, truncated, and antitruncated, have significantly enriched our understanding of the structural diversity within galaxies. Using ultra-deep imaging, most spiral galaxy profiles
    Raji, Samane et al.

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  • The population of barred galaxies in the MACS J0647.8+7015 galaxy cluster at z=0.59
    We study the bar fraction in the MACS J0647.8+7015 cluster of galaxies at z=0.59 using the observations obtained with the NIRCam instrument mounted on the JWST telescope. We visually inspected the near infrared images obtained with the F200W filter of all the cluster members to identify the presence of bars. The cluster member selection was based
    Lera, Margherita et al.

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