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  • Close visual binaries among planetary-mass objects in star-forming regions: the HST view
    Over the past decade, microlensing surveys in field stars and the Gaia-informed census of nearby star-forming regions have convincingly demonsrated the presence of a significant population of free-floating planetary-mass objects. The origin of these objects is still debated, with the main plausible scenarios being: the dynamical ejection from a
    Duchene, Gaspard et al.

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  • Confronting Dark Matter Models with Nearby Dwarf Irregular Galaxies
    Dwarf irregular galaxies, due to their lower masses, relative isolation, and high-quality data availability, are ideal laboratories to test various models of dark matter. In particular, the existence, morphology and formation of central cores in dwarf galaxies has been a contentious issue in the literature in light of apparent tensions with the
    Bañares Hernández, Andrés et al.

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  • Constraining atmospheric evaporation timescales on young planets with systematic H and He transmission observations
    During the early stages of planetary formation, planets undergo strong changes in their physical and orbital properties due to internal and external forces, which also affect their primordial atmospheres composed mainly of H and He. The study of planets in these early stages and their comparison with the more mature planet population is crucial for
    Orell-Miquel, Jaume et al.

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  • Constraining in-situ vs. ex-situ stellar mass in nearby galaxies with simulation-based inference
    Understanding the complexities of galaxy evolution and the role of mergers therein remains a fundamental challenge in astrophysics. Since galaxies can only be observed at a single point in cosmic time, tracing their merging history and its impact on a galaxy's mass assembly is heavily dependent on models or cosmological simulations. However, while
    Angeloudi, Eirini et al.

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  • Deriving Star Formation Histories of Galaxies from Spectra with Simulation-based Inference
    High-resolution galaxy spectra encode information about the stellar populations within galaxies. By investigating the properties of these stars, such as their ages, masses, and metallicities, we can gain insights into the underlying physical processes that drive the growth and transformation of galaxies over cosmic time, in particular, the triggers
    Iglesias Navarro, Patricia et al.

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  • Discovery of the local counterpart of disc galaxies at z > 4: The oldest thin disc of Milky Way using Gaia-RVS
    Context: JWST has recently detected numerous disc galaxies at high-redshifts and there have been observations of cold disc galaxies at z > 4 with ALMA. In the Milky Way, recent studies highlight the presence of metal-poor stars in cold disc orbits, suggesting an ancient disc. This prompts a fundamental question: When did the Milky Way disc form
    Nepal, Samir et al.

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