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Además ofrece acceso al  repositorio de preprints del IAC:

  • ERGO-ML: comparing IllustrisTNG and HSC galaxy images via contrastive learning
    Modern cosmological hydrodynamical galaxy simulations provide tens of thousands of reasonably realistic synthetic galaxies across cosmic time. However, quantitatively assessing the level of realism of simulated universes in comparison to the real one is difficult. In this paper of the Extracting Reality from Galaxy Observables with Machine Learning
    Eisert, Lukas et al.

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  • Euclid preparation. XXXIV. The effect of linear redshift-space distortions in photometric galaxy clustering and its cross-correlation with cosmic shear
    Context. The cosmological surveys that are planned for the current decade will provide us with unparalleled observations of the distribution of galaxies on cosmic scales, by means of which we can probe the underlying large-scale structure (LSS) of the Universe. This will allow us to test the concordance cosmological model and its extensions
    Euclid Collaboration et al.

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  • Examining the self-interaction of dark matter through central cluster galaxy offsets
    While collisionless cold dark matter models have been largely successful in explaining a wide range of observational data, some tensions still exist, and it remains possible that dark matter possesses a non-negligible level of self-interactions. In this paper, we investigate a possible observable consequence of self-interacting dark matter: offsets
    Cross, D. et al.

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  • Galaxies Going Bananas: Inferring the 3D Geometry of High-redshift Galaxies with JWST-CEERS
    The 3D geometries of high-redshift galaxies remain poorly understood. We build a differentiable Bayesian model and use Hamiltonian Monte Carlo to efficiently and robustly infer the 3D shapes of star-forming galaxies in James Webb Space Telescope Cosmic Evolution Early Release Science observations with $\mathrm{log}{M}_{* }/{M}_{\odot }=9.0\mbox{--
    Pandya, Viraj et al.

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  • Global Coronal Magnetic Field Estimation Using Bayesian Inference
    Estimating the magnetic field strength in the solar corona is crucial for understanding different physical processes happening over diverse spatiotemporal scales. However, the high temperatures and low density of the solar corona make this task challenging. The coronal magnetic field is too weak to produce a measurable splitting of the spectral
    Baweja, Upasna et al.

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  • The Shapes of Stellar Spectra
    Stellar atmospheres separate the hot and dense stellar interiors from the emptiness of space. Radiation escapes from the outermost layers of a star, carrying direct physical information. Underneath the atmosphere, the very high opacity keeps radiation thermalized and resembling a black body with the local temperature. In the atmosphere the opacity
    Allende Prieto, Carlos

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