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  • Elemental Abundances of Planet-Host Cool Dwarfs: Clues on Planet Formation and Evolution
    Since a large fraction of stars harbor at least one planet, the formation of planets around newly forming stars appears to be a common phenomenon. Planet cores are believed to grow by accreting materials from a protoplanetary disk spinning around its host star. This host star has a strong impact on the properties of the protoplanetary disk, and
    Hejazi, Neda et al.

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  • First JWST Results Find No Alpha-Bimodality in M31
    The recent era of large, ground-based abundance surveys has unraveled the chemical structures of our Milky Way galaxy. The most striking abundance feature is the alpha-abundance bimodality. The low-alpha stars are younger (1-8 Gyr) while the high-alpha stars are older (8-12 Gyr) and have a thicker distribution. While there are a number of models
    Nidever, David et al.

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  • Ground-based photometric follow-up for exoplanet detections with the PLATO mission
    Detections of transiting planets from the upcoming PLATO mission are expected to face significant contamination from contaminating eclipsing binaries, resulting in false positives. To counter this, a ground-based programme to acquire time-critical photometry is pursued. Its principal aim is to obtain time-series observations of the planet candidate
    Deeg, H. J. et al.

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  • Modeling Binary Systems Containing the Hot White Dwarfs WD1136+667 and Gaia-DR2-1350
    In this study, we look specifically at binary white dwarfs where the companion is a main sequence star. In particular, we look at very hot white dwarfs, many of which demonstrate the "hydrogen problem" in which modeling of their hydrogen absorption features, and optical features in general, do not appear to give accurate temperatures. The two
    Wood, Hunter et al.

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  • Modeling Close Binary Systems Within Planetary Nebulae
    We present here binary modeling for the close binary central star of the planetary nebula Hf 2-2. While binary models for 26 close binary star systems within a planetary nebula exist, this number is far too low to perform a significant statistical analysis. In order to work towards increasing this number, and thus improving the statistical results
    Blanton, Lilly et al.

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  • Photometric and colorimetric studies of target objects using small and medium-size telescopes
    We report on follow-up studies of transient events and objects, which have been conducted in recent years using ground-based optical observations. BVRI photometry has been performed with small and medium-sized telescopes located in Europe and North America. The purpose of these studies, which are mainly focused on objects of unknown nature, is to
    Godunova, V. G. et al.

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