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  • Evolution of the Size–Mass Relation of Star-forming Galaxies Since z = 5.5 Revealed by CEERS
    We combine deep imaging data from the CEERS early release JWST survey and Hubble Space Telescope imaging from CANDELS to examine the size–mass relation of star-forming galaxies and the morphology–quenching relation at stellar masses M ⋆ ≥ 10 9.5 M ⊙ over the redshift range 0.5 < z < 5.5. In this study with a sample of 2450 galaxies, we separate
    Ward, Ethan et al.

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  • Hydrogenated amorphous carbon grains as an alternative carrier of the 9-13 μm plateau feature in the fullerene planetary nebula Tc 1
    Fullerenes have been observed in several astronomical objects since the discovery of C 60 in the mid-infrared (mid-IR) spectrum of the planetary nebula (PN) Tc 1. It has been suggested that the carriers of the broad unidentified infrared (UIR) plateau features, such as the 9-13 μm emission feature (12 μm hereafter), may be related to the formation
    Gómez-Muñoz, M. A. et al.

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  • MANCHA3D Code: Multipurpose Advanced Nonideal MHD Code for High-Resolution Simulations in Astrophysics
    The MANCHA3D code is a versatile tool for numerical simulations of magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) processes in solar/stellar atmospheres. The code includes nonideal physics derived from plasma partial ionization, a realistic equation of state and radiative transfer, which allows performing high-quality realistic simulations of magnetoconvection, as well
    Modestov, M. et al.

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  • Planet formation around intermediate-mass stars. I. Different disc evolutionary pathways as a function of stellar mass
    Context. The study of protoplanetary disc evolution and theories of planet formation has predominantly concentrated on solar- (and low-) mass stars since they host the majority of confirmed exoplanets. Nevertheless, the confirmation of numerous planets orbiting stars more massive than the Sun (up to ~3 M ⊙) has sparked considerable interest in
    Ronco, M. P. et al.

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  • PSR J0210+5845: Ultra-wide binary pulsar with a B6 V main sequence star companion
    We report on radio timing observations of PSR J0210+5845 that reveal large deviations from typical pulsar spin-down behaviour. We interpret these deviations as being due to the binary motion around the V = 13.5 star 2MASS J02105640+5845176, which is coincident in terms of its celestial position and distance with the pulsar. Archival observations
    van der Wateren, E. et al.

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  • Radio Jet Feedback on the Inner Disk of Virgo Spiral Galaxy Messier 58
    Spitzer spectral maps reveal a disk of highly luminous, warm (>150 K) H 2 in the center of the massive spiral galaxy Messier 58, which hosts a radio-loud active galactic nucleus (AGN). The inner 2.6 kpc of the galaxy appears to be overrun by shocks from the radio jet cocoon. Gemini NIRI imaging of the H 2 1–0 S(1) emission line, Atacama Large
    Ogle, Patrick M. et al.

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