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  • The EDGE-CALIFA Survey: An Extragalactic Database for Galaxy Evolution Studies
    The EDGE-CALIFA survey provides spatially resolved optical integral-field unit and CO spectroscopy for 125 galaxies selected from the Calar Alto Legacy Integral Field Area Survey (CALIFA) Data Release 3 sample. The Extragalactic Database for Galaxy Evolution (EDGE) presents the spatially resolved products of the survey as pixel tables that reduce
    Wong, Tony et al.

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  • The elusive atmosphere of WASP-12 b. High-resolution transmission spectroscopy with CARMENES
    To date, the hot Jupiter WASP-12 b has been the only planet with confirmed orbital decay. The late F-type host star has been hypothesized to be surrounded by a large structure of circumstellar material evaporated from the planet. We obtained two high-resolution spectral transit time series with CARMENES and extensively searched for absorption
    Czesla, S. et al.

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  • Fundamental physics with ESPRESSO: a new determination of the D/H ratio towards PKS1937-101
    Primordial abundances of light elements are sensitive to the physics of the early Universe and can directly constrain cosmological quantities, such as the baryon-to-photon ratio $\eta _{10}$, the baryon density, and the number of neutrino families. Deuterium is especially suited for these studies: its primordial abundance is sensitive and
    Guarneri, Francesco et al.

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  • CHEOPS observations of KELT-20 b/MASCARA-2 b: An aligned orbit and signs of variability from a reflective day side
    Context. Occultations are windows of opportunity to indirectly peek into the dayside atmosphere of exoplanets. High-precision transit events provide information on the spin-orbit alignment of exoplanets around fast-rotating hosts. Aims: We aim to precisely measure the planetary radius and geometric albedo of the ultra-hot Jupiter (UHJ) KELT-20 b
    Singh, V. et al.

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  • Complex K: Supernova Origin of Anomalous-velocity H I Structure
    We address one of the lingering mysteries of high-velocity clouds: If the anomalous negative velocities are the result of the approaching gas from old supernovae, then where are the receding counterparts of the expanding shells? Data from the λ-21 cm Galactic neutral hydrogen EBHIS survey (Winkel et al.) show multiple signatures of the expanding
    Verschuur, G. L. et al.

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  • Confirmation of a Sub-Saturn-size Transiting Exoplanet Orbiting a G Dwarf: TOI-1194 b and a Very Low Mass Companion Star: TOI-1251 B from TESS
    We report the confirmation of a sub-Saturn-size exoplanet, TOI-1194 b, with a mass of about ${0.456}_{-0.051}^{+0.055}$ M J, and a very low mass companion star with a mass of about 96.5 ± 1.5 M J, TOI-1251 B. Exoplanet candidates provided by the Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite (TESS) are suitable for further follow-up observations by ground
    Wang, Jia-Qi et al.

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