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Además ofrece acceso al  repositorio de preprints del IAC:

  • Overmassive Black Holes at Cosmic Noon: Linking the Local and the High-redshift Universe
    We report for the first time a sample of 12 supermassive black holes (SMBHs) hosted by low-mass galaxies at cosmic noon, i.e., in a redshift range consistent with the peak of star formation history: z ∼ 1–3. These black holes are 2 orders of magnitude too massive for the stellar content of their hosts when compared with the local relation for
    Mezcua, Mar et al.

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  • Rapid multiwavelength variability reveals jet emission in the black hole binary V404 Cygni in quiescence
    Spitzer Space Telescope observations of several quiescent black hole low mass X-ray binaries (LMXBs) have shown mid-infrared excesses above the emission of a companion star. The excess has been proposed to originate from either a relativistic jet or circumbinary disk. If the mid-IR originates in a jet, then it probes the region closest to the black
    Borowski, Eric et al.

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  • ReveaLLAGN 0: First Look at JWST MIRI Data of Sombrero and NGC 1052
    We present the first results from the Revealing Low-Luminosity Active Galactic Nuclei (ReveaLLAGN) survey, a JWST survey of seven nearby LLAGNs. We focus on two observations with the Mid-Infrared Instrument (MIRI)'s Medium-Resolution Spectrometer of the nuclei of NGC 1052 and Sombrero (NGC 4594/M104). We also compare these data to public JWST data
    Goold, Kameron et al.

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  • Secondary halo bias through cosmic time. I. Scaling relations and the connection with the cosmic web
    Context. The spatial distribution of dark matter halos carries cosmological and astrophysical information. Cosmological information can be considered to be contained in the connection between halo main properties and the large-scale halo bias, while the astrophysical information would be encoded in the scaling relations between halo properties. The
    Balaguera-Antolínez, Andrés et al.

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  • TESS and ESPRESSO discover a super-Earth and a mini-Neptune orbiting the K-dwarf TOI-238*
    The number of super-Earth and mini-Neptune planet discoveries has increased significantly in the last two decades thanks to transit and radial velocity (RV) surveys. When it is possible to apply both techniques, we can characterise the internal composition of exoplanets, which in turn provides unique insights on their architecture, formation and
    D'Odorico, V. et al.

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  • The tidal deformation and atmosphere of WASP-12 b from its phase curve★
    Context. Ultra-hot Jupiters present a unique opportunity to understand the physics and chemistry of planets, their atmospheres, and interiors at extreme conditions. WASP-12 b stands out as an archetype of this class of exoplanets, with a close-in orbit around its star that results in intense stellar irradiation and tidal effects. Aims: The goals
    Akinsanmi, B. et al.

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