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  • TOI-954 b and K2-329 b: Short-period Saturn-mass Planets that Test whether Irradiation Leads to Inflation
    We report the discovery of two short-period Saturn-mass planets, one transiting the G subgiant TOI-954 (TIC 44792534, V = 10.343, T = 9.78) observed in TESS sectors 4 and 5 and one transiting the G dwarf K2-329 (EPIC 246193072, V = 12.70, K = 10.67) observed in K2 campaigns 12 and 19. We confirm and characterize these two planets with a variety of
    Sha, Lizhou et al.

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  • Dynamical modelling of CXOGBS J175553.2-281633: a 10 h long orbital period cataclysmic variable
    We present modelling of the long-term optical light and radial velocity curves of the binary stellar system CXOGBS J175553.2-281633, first detected in X-rays in the Chandra Galactic Bulge Survey. We analysed 7 yr of optical I-band photometry from Optical Gravitational Lensing Experiment and found long-term variations from year to year. These long
    Gomez, Sebastian et al.

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  • H α fluxes and extinction distances for planetary nebulae in the IPHAS survey of the northern galactic plane
    We report H α filter photometry for 197 Northern hemisphere planetary nebulae (PNe) obtained using imaging data from the IPHAS survey. H α+[N II] fluxes were measured for 46 confirmed or possible PNe discovered by the IPHAS survey and for 151 previously catalogued PNe that fell within the area of the northern Galactic Plane surveyed by IPHAS. After
    Dharmawardena, Thavisha E. et al.

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  • On the radial abundance gradients of nitrogen and oxygen in the inner Galactic disc
    We present optical spectra of nine Galactic H II regions observed with the 10.4 m Gran Telescopio Canarias telescope and located at Galactocentric distances (R G) from 4 to 8 kpc. The distances of the objects have been revised using Gaia DR2 parallaxes. We determine the electron temperature for all the nebulae, which allows a precise computation of
    Arellano-Córdova, K. Z. et al.

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  • The bursty star formation history of the Fornax dwarf spheroidal galaxy revealed with the HST
    We present a new derivation of the star formation history (SFH) of the dSph galaxy Fornax in two central regions, characterized by unprecedented precision and age resolution. It reveals that star formation has proceeded in sharp bursts separated by periods of low level or quiescent activity. The SFH was derived through colour-magnitude diagram (CMD
    Rusakov, V. et al.

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  • Extrasolar Enigmas: From Disintegrating Exoplanets to Exoasteroids
    Thousands of transiting exoplanets have been discovered to date, thanks in great part to the Kepler space mission. As in all populations, and certainly in the case of exoplanets, one finds unique objects with distinct characteristics. Here we will describe the properties and behaviour of a small group of 'disintegrating' exoplanets discovered over
    Budaj, Jan et al.

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