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  • A universal method for solar filament detection from Hα observations using semi-supervised deep learning
    Filaments are omnipresent features in the solar atmosphere. Their location, properties, and time evolution can provide important information about changes in solar activity and assist in the operational space weather forecast. Therefore, filaments have to be identified in full-disk images and their properties extracted from these images, but manual
    Diercke, Andrea et al.

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  • Changing Look of the Optical Spectrum of the MeV Blazar PKS 0446+112 (4FGL J0449.1+1121)
    Following the high activity of the γ-ray Fermi source 4FGL J0449.1+1121 (PKS 0446+112), possibly associated with a IceCube neutrino event IC-240105A, we obtained optical spectroscopy with the Gran Telescopio Canarias of the counterpart. We detect a clear emission line at 3830 Å identified as Lyα that confirms the redshift of source at z = 2.153
    Paiano, Simona et al.

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  • Detailed cool star flare morphology with CHEOPS and TESS***
    Context. White-light stellar flares are proxies for some of the most energetic types of flares, but their triggering mechanism is still poorly understood. As they are associated with strong X and ultraviolet emission, their study is particularly relevant to estimate the amount of high-energy irradiation onto the atmospheres of exoplanets
    Alonso, R. et al.

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  • Differential reddening in 48 globular clusters: An end to the quest for the intracluster medium
    For decades, it has been theorized that a tenuous but detectable intracluster medium should be present in globular clusters, which is continuously replenished by the gas and dust ejected by bright giants and periodically cleared by interactions with the Galactic disk. However, dedicated searches, especially in infrared and radio wavelengths, have
    Pancino, E. et al.

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  • Impacts of Bar-driven Shear and Shocks on Star Formation
    Bars drive gas inflow. As the gas flows inward, shocks and shear occur along the bar dust lanes. Such shocks and shear can affect the star formation (SF) and change the gas properties. For four barred galaxies, we present Hα velocity gradient maps that highlight bar-driven shocks and shear using data from the PHANGS-MUSE and PHANGS-ALMA surveys
    Kim, Taehyun et al.

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  • Luminous giants populate the dense Cosmic Web. The radio luminosity-environmental density relation for radio galaxies in action
    Context. Giant radio galaxies (GRGs, giant RGs, or giants) are megaparsec-scale, jet-driven outflows from accretion disks of supermassive black holes, and represent the most extreme pathway by which galaxies can impact the Cosmic Web around them. A long-standing but unresolved question is why giants are so much larger than other radio galaxies
    Oei, Martijn S. S. L. et al.

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