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  • X-ray Transients in M31
    On Nov 19, 2001, The Chandra X-ray Observatory surveyed M31 with 5 overlapping very short (1ks) HRC exposures and a single short (5ks) ACIS-S exposure. Preliminary analysis allows us to report the following concerning possible X-ray transients within M31. A new source CXOU J004428.4+415628 (RA=00:44:28.4, DEC=+41:56:28.1, J2000), near the NE spiral
    Garcia, M. et al.

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  • XMM-Newton and Chandra measurements of the AGN intrinsic absorption: dependence on luminosity and redshift
    We combine bright XMM-Newton data with the Chandra Deep Field South observations to explore the behavior of the intrinsic AGN absorption, as a function of redshift and luminosity. Our sample consists of 359 sources selected in the hard 2-8 keV band, spanning the flux range 6 × 10-16-3 × 10-13 erg~cm-2~s-1 with a high rate of spectroscopic or
    Akylas, A. et al.

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  • XMM-Newton observations of the Lockman Hole IV: spectra of the brightest AGN
    This paper presents the results of a detailed X-ray spectral analysis of a sample of 123 X-ray sources detected with XMM-Newton in the Lockman Hole field. This is the deepest observation carried out with XMM-Newton with more that 600 ks of good EPIC-pn data. We have spectra with good signal to noise (>500 source counts) for all objects down to 0.2
    Mateos, S. et al.

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  • XO-6b: A transiting hot Jupiter around a fast rotating star
    Orbital properties of hot Jupiters depend on the temperature and rotation rate of their host stars. These observed correlations provide some of the very few constraints on their dynamical evolution. However, almost all the objects available to such studies orbit around relatively slow rotators, with stellar rotation periods usually several times
    Crouzet, Nicolas Michael et al.

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  • XTE J1118+480
    IAUC 7542 available at Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams.
    McClintock, J. et al.

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  • XTE J1855-026 is a supergiant X-ray binary
    The eclipsing X-ray pulsar XTE J1855-026 (Corbet & Mukai 2002, ApJ 577, 923) has been unambiguously identified by a recent Swift observation (Romano et al., ATel #1875) with the reddened early-type star proposed as candidate counterpart by Verrecchia et al. (ATel #102). High-quality spectra of the counterpart taken in August 2003 with the 4.2-m WHT
    Negueruela, I. et al.

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