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  • Nova Vulpeculae 1987
    IAUC 4489 available at Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams. IAUC 4489 available at Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams.
    Horine, E. et al.

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  • Low-Resolution Maps of Comet p/ Halley in Principal Atomic and Molecular Species
    The authors present maps of a 3arcmin×2arcmin region of the inner coma of comet P/Halley, at 10arcsec resolution, in CN (3883 Å); C2 (5100 Å); C3 (4040 Å); CN (4216 Å); NH2 (6107 Å); [O I] (6300 Å) and CH (4322 Å). The maps were prepared from multi-position absolute spectrophotometry of comet Halley, with 3.6 Å resolution, in the wavelength range
    Kidger, M. R. et al.

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  • Low Resolution Mapping of Comet p/ Halley in the Near Infrared
    We present low resolution maps, of a 4' × 0'.5 region, of comet Halley, in photometric bands J and K, a central scan in the H band and JHKL photometry taken with the 1.5 m Sanchez-Magro Telescope of the Instituto de Astrofisica de Canarias. We obtain central and integrated magnitudes and colours and discuss its variation with distance from the
    Lazaro, C. et al.

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  • Improved NLTE profiles of He II lines in hot stars including their overlap with hydrogen
    The accelerated Lambda iteration method is used to obtain better theoretical profiles of He II in hot stars by considering more levels and Stark broadening in the statistical equilibrium equations. It is found that an appropriate He II model atom must consist of 14 non-LTE levels and that Stark broadening must be included for all lines with upper
    Herrero, A.

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  • Gas kinematics in the nucleus of NGC 6946
    A complex kinematical structure is inferred from the analysis of high resolution spectra of the nuclear region of the galaxy NGC 6946. The spatial resolution of the observations allowed the authors to resolve a dynamically inhomogeneous area of approximately 10 arcseconds in diameter, very close to the centre of the galaxy. Within this region the
    Munoz-Tunon, C. et al.

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