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Además ofrece acceso al  repositorio de preprints del IAC:

  • Searching for Ultra-cool Objects at the Limits of Large-scale Surveys
    We have made a search (to Y=19.6) of the UKIDSS Large Area Survey (LAS DR7) for objects detected only in the Y-band. We have identified and removed contamination due to solar system objects, dust specs in the WFCAM optical path, persistence in the WFCAM detectors, and other sources of spurious single source Y-detections in the UKIDSS LAS data-base
    Pinfield, D. J. et al.

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  • Secular- and merger-built bulges in barred galaxies
    Context. Historically, galaxy bulges were thought to be single-component objects at the center of galaxies. However, this picture is now questioned since different bulge types with different formation paths, namely classical and pseudobulges, have been found coexisting within the same galaxy. Aims: We study the incidence and nature of composite
    Méndez-Abreu, J. et al.

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  • SED fitting of nearby galaxies in the Herschel Reference Survey
    We compute UV to radio continuum spectral energy distributions of 51 nearby galaxies recently observed with SPIRE onboard Herschel and present infrared colours (in the 25-500 μm spectral range). SPIRE data of normal galaxies are well reproduced with a modified black body (β=2) of temperature T≃q 20 K. In ellipticals hosting a radio galaxy, the far
    Ciesla, L. et al.

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  • Seeking Chemical and Kinematic Correlations within the Carina Dwarf Spheroidal
    We explore the possibility that the old and intermediate-age, populations within the Carina dwarf spheroidal galaxy exhibit distinct kinematic and chemical signatures. Preliminary results from medium-resolution data indeed indicate that such differences do exist. We report on the magnitude of these differences and their uncertainties. This research
    Nevils, G. K. et al.

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  • SEGUE Target Selection, Kinematics and Distribution of Blue Horizontal Branch Stars in the Galactic Halo
    Using a sample of 654 objects selected from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SEGUE) plates, we evaluated and adjusted the SDSS target algorithm for Blue Horizontal Branch (BHB) stars. We then tested the spectroscopically determined surface gravity for these stars against the Lenz et al. 1998 photometric ``v-parameter" = 0.283(u-g) - 0.354(g-r) + 0.455
    Nevils, G. K. et al.

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  • Seismic signatures of stellar cores of solar-like pulsators: Dependence on mass and age
    Useful information from the inner layers of stellar pulsators may be derived from the study of their oscillations. In this paper we analyse three diagnostic tools suggested in the literature built from the oscillation frequencies computed for a set of main sequence models with masses between 1.0 M&sun; and 1.6 M&sun;, to check what information they
    Brandão, I. M. et al.

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