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Además ofrece acceso al  repositorio de preprints del IAC:

  • Resolving the Innermost Region of the Accretion Disk of the Lensed Quasar Q2237+0305 through Gravitational Microlensing
    We study three high magnification microlensing events, generally recognized as probable caustic crossings, in the optical light curves of the multiply imaged quasar Q2237+0305. We model the light curve of each event as the convolution of a standard thin disk luminosity profile with a straight fold caustic. We also allow for a linear gradient that
    Mediavilla, E. et al.

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  • Results From SEPPCoN, a Survey to Study the Physical Properties of the Nuclei and Dust of Jupiter-Family Comets
    We present results from SEPPCoN, our Survey of Ensemble Physical Properties of Cometary Nuclei. This survey involves studying 100 Jupiter-family comets (JFCs) -- about 30% of the known population -- using the Spitzer Space Telescope for mid-infrared measurements of thermal emission and several ground-based telescopes for visible-wavelength
    Fernandez, Yanga R. et al.

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  • Results of Observational Campaigns Carried Out During the Impact of Lunar Prospector into a Permanently Shadowed Crater near the South Pole of the Moon
    On July 31, 1999 the Lunar Prospector (LP) spacecraft was commanded to deorbit and thus impact into the floor of a permanently shadowed crater at -88.7S, 42E (Goldstein, et al. 1999, GRL 26, pp1653-1656 and paper 38.06 at this conference). Coordinated observational program (spectroscopy and imaging) were carried out at HST, SWAS, Keck, McDonald
    Barker, E. S. et al.

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  • Review of J.A. Hill, P. Jones and A.J. Morales (eds.), Experiencing Power, Generating Authority: Cosmos, Politics, and the Ideology of Kingship in Ancient Egypt and Mesopotamia; Penn Museum International Research Conferences 6, University of Pennsylvania
    Belmonte, J. A.

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  • Reviewing the frequency and central depletion of ultra-diffuse galaxies in galaxy clusters from the KIWICS survey
    The number of ultra-diffuse galaxies (UDGs) in clusters is of significant importance to constrain models of their formation and evolution. Furthermore, their distribution inside clusters may tell us something about their interactions with their environments. In this work, we revisit the abundance of UDGs in a more consistent way than in previous
    Mancera Piña, Pavel E. et al.

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  • Roche tomography of cataclysmic variables - IV. Star-spots and slingshot prominences on BV Cen
    We present Roche tomograms of the G5-G8 IV/V secondary star in the long-period cataclysmic variable BV Cen reconstructed from Magellan Inamori Kyocera Echelle spectrograph echelle data taken on the Magellan Clay 6.5-m telescope. The tomograms show the presence of a number of large, cool star-spots on BV Cen for the first time. In particular, we
    Watson, C. A. et al.

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