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  • Polarization Calibration of the Chromospheric Lyman-Alpha SpectroPolarimeter for a 0.1 % Polarization Sensitivity in the VUV Range. Part I: Pre-flight Calibration
    The Chromospheric Lyman-Alpha SpectroPolarimeter (CLASP) is a sounding rocket experiment designed to measure for the first time the linear polarization of the hydrogen Lyman-{α} line (121.6 nm) and requires a 0.1 % polarization sensitivity, which is unprecedented for a spectropolarimeter in the vacuum UV (VUV) spectral range.
    Giono, G. et al.

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  • Polarization Diagnostics of Solar Magnetic Fields
    The solar atmosphere is a highly ionized medium which is the playground of magnetic fields. In the deepest layer (the photosphere), magnetic fields disturb the 'normal' fluid motions forcing the plasma to behave incounterintuitive ways; in the outer layers (the chromosphere and the corona) magnetic fields rule, making the plasma levitate or even
    Manso-Sainz, R.

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  • Polarized Radiation Diagnostics for Measuring the Magnetic Field of the Outer Solar Atmosphere
    The basic idea of optical pumping, for which Alfred Kastler received the 1966 Nobel Prize in physics, is that the absorption and scattering of light that is near-resonant with an optical transition can produce large population imbalances among the magnetic sublevels of atomic ground states as well as in excited states. The degree of this
    Trujillo Bueno, J.

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  • Polarized synchrotron emission in quiescent black hole X-ray transients
    We present near-infrared polarimetric observations of the black hole X-ray binaries Swift J1357.2-0933 and A0620-00. In both sources, recent studies have demonstrated the presence of variable infrared synchrotron emission in quiescence, most likely from weak compact jets. For Swift J1357.2-0933, we find that the synchrotron emission is polarized at
    Russell, D. M. et al.

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  • Position and X-ray Variability of 2A 1704+241
    We present results of analysis of observations of the X-ray source 2A 1704+241 with the Rosat Position Sensitive Proportional Counter (PSPC) and the High Resolution Imager (HRI). 2A 1704+241 was first associated with the M3II star HD154791 (Garcia et al. 1983). The identification, based upon observation with the HEAO 1 SMC and the Einstein IPC, was
    Morgan, W. A., Jr. et al.

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