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  • Progress Report: Probabilistic and Statistical Bases of Surface Brightness Fluctuations
    The surface brightness fluctuations (SBF) method is a statistical method applied on image pixels in different bands. This contribution aims to distinguish between the observational (statistical) method and the theoretical (probabilistic) method based on stellar population synthesis and needed for the calibration of observational SBF. We find that
    Cervino, M. et al.

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  • Prominence Mass Supply and the Cavity
    A prevalent but untested paradigm is often used to describe the prominence-cavity system: the cavity is under-dense because it is evacuated by supplying mass to the condensed prominence. The thermal non-equilibrium (TNE) model of prominence formation offers a theoretical framework to predict the thermodynamic evolution of the prominence and the
    Innes, D. et al.

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  • Prominence Thread Seismology Using the P 1/2P 2 Ratio
    Prominence threads are expected to be cold plasma condensations in a long magnetic tube. Because of this density inhomogeneity along the magnetic field, the ratio of the fundamental transverse mode period to twice that of its first overtone, P 1/2P 2, must differ from 1. We investigate the dependence of this ratio on the equilibrium parameters of
    Díaz, A. J. et al.

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  • Proper handling of random errors and distortions in astronomical data analysis
    The aim of a data reduction process is to minimize the influence of data acquisition imperfections on the estimation of the desired astronomical quantity. For this purpose, one must perform appropriate manipulations with data and calibration frames. In addition, random-error frames (computed from first principles: expected statistical distribution
    Cardiel, Nicolas et al.

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  • Proper motion Pleiades candidate L-type brown dwarfs
    We present results of an optical and near-infrared (IR) 1.8 deg2 survey in the Pleiades open cluster to search for substellar objects. From optical I-band images from the CFHT and J-band images from the 3.5 m CAHA Telescope, we identify 18 faint and very red L brown dwarf candidates, with I> 20.9 and I-J> 3.2. The follow-up observations of nine
    Bihain, G. et al.

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  • Proper Motions in Sunspot Penumbrae: Signs of Convection
    Proper motions in penumbra have been measured using local correlation tracking techniques in a high spatial resolution series of images (˜0.12 arcsec). Assuming these motions to trace true plasma motions, we have detected converging flows that arrange the plasma in long narrow filaments mostly placed along dark penumbral filaments. These converging
    Bonet, J. A. et al.

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