
This section contains the publications database that collects IAC articles published in scientific journals. Please, click on the arrow to see full search filter and sort options: author, journal, year, etc..

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  • More Optical Spectroscopy of the X-ray Nova J0422+32
    We present the most recent results from our optical spectroscopy campaign on the X-ray Nova/Black Hole Candidate GRO J0422+32. Spectroscopy from the MMT during September 1994, when the system was at R=21 shows that the equivalent width of the H-alpha emission line is 150 Angstroms. Earlier Spectroscopy from March 1994, when the system was at R=20
    Garcia, M. R. et al.

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  • Morphological studies of SWIRE galaxies in the UGC10214 ACS field
    We present the results of a morphological analysis of a small subset of the SWIRE galaxy population. Our analysis is based on public ACS data taken inside the SWIRE N1 field. We distinguish two very general classes of galaxies, bulge- and disc-dominated galaxies, the first class being referred to with the general term 'spheroids' and the second
    Perez-Fournon, I. et al.

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  • Morphology and Evolution of the Spiral Jets Observed in the Inner Coma of Comet Hale-Bopp (1995 O1): the 1995 Teide Observing Campaign
    CCD monitoring of Comet Hale-Bopp (1995 O1) has been carried out on more than 50 nights using the 82cm IAC-80 Telescope at Teide Observatory (Tenerife, Spain), operated by the Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias. A combination of deep exposures of the extended coma in BVRI (up to 2 hours total exposure in a single filter) and near nucleus imaging
    Kidger, M. R. et al.

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  • Morphology of 15 Southern Early-Type Disk Galaxies
    Structural analysis has been performed for a sample of 15 southern early-type disk galaxies, mainly S0 galaxies, using high-resolution Ks-band images. The galaxies are mostly barred, and many of them show multiple structures including bars and ovals, typical for S0 galaxies. The new images are of sufficient quality to reveal new detail of the
    Laurikainen, Eija et al.

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  • Multi-instrument measurement campaign at Paranal in 2007. Characterization of the outer scale and the seeing of the surface layer
    Aims: Within the framework of site qualification for the future European large telescope E-ELT, a campaign of measurements was carried out for ten nights in December 2007 at Paranal using six independent instruments. Methods: To characterize the optical turbulence, two techniques were used: the statistical analysis of the fluctuations of the angle
    Dali Ali, W. et al.

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  • Multi-wavelength afterglow observations of the high redshift GRB 050730
    Context: .GRB 050730 is a long duration high-redshift burst (z=3.967) that was discovered by Swift. The afterglow shows variability and was well monitored over a wide wavelength range. We present comprehensive temporal and spectral analysis of the afterglow of GRB 050730 including observations covering the wavelength range from the millimeter to X
    Pandey, S. B. et al.

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