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Además ofrece acceso al  repositorio de preprints del IAC:

  • Photospheric activity of the Sun with VIRGO and GOLF. Comparison with standard activity proxies
    We study the variability of solar activity using new photospheric proxies originally developed for the analysis of stellar magnetism with the CoRoT and Kepler photometric observations. These proxies were obtained by tracking the temporal modulations in the observations associated with the spots and magnetic features as the Sun rotates. We analyzed
    Salabert, D. et al.

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  • Photospheric Magnetic Flux Emergence: A comparative study between Hinode/SOT Observations and MHD simulations
    With high angular resolution, high temporal cadence and a stable point spread function, the Solar Optical Telescope (SOT) onboard the Hinode satellite is the ideal instrument for the study of magnetic flux emergence and its manifestations on the solar surface. In this presentation, we focus on the development of ephemeral regions and small active
    Cheung, M. C. et al.

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  • Physical parameters of the intermediate age open cluster IC 1311: Clues for the theory of stellar evolution
    The results of a UBVR photometric study in the field of the open cluster IC 1311 are presented. A comparison with previously published results on NGC 7044, based on measurements secured during the same observing run, leads to a self-consistent constraints to the parameters of the cluster. The location of selected samples of giant and unevolved
    Delgado, A. J. et al.

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  • Physical Properties of the Solar Magnetic Photosphere under the MISMA Hypothesis. I. Description of the Inversion Procedure
    The paper describes an automatic inversion code to recover microstructured magnetic atmospheres (MISMAs) by fitting Stokes profiles. These solar model atmospheres incorporate small-scale fluctuations of the magnetic field vector, the velocity, the temperature, etc., which seems to be an intrinsic property of the magnetic photosphere. The model
    Sanchez Almeida, J.

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  • Pip Analysis of the Cosmic Microwave Background Data - Application to the Tenerife Experiment
    We present two geometrical methods to analyse the cosmic microwave background data along a strip in the sky. These methods are motivated by the fact that the temperature fluctuation field, on large angular scales, is not ergodic on the cosmic photosphere. This property is examined in the context of different experimental configurations. The methods
    Gutierrez de La Cruz, C. M. et al.

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  • PKS 0347+05: a radio-loud/radio-quiet double active galactic nucleus system triggered in a major galaxy merger
    We present optical, infrared (IR) and radio observations of the powerful Fanaroff-Riley type II (FR II) radio source PKS 0347+05 (z = 0.3390), and demonstrate that it is a rare example of a radio-loud/radio-quiet double active galactic nucleus (AGN) system, comprising a weak-line radio galaxy (WLRG) separated by 25 kpc (in projection) from a
    Inskip, K. et al.

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