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  • Planck early results. I. The Planck mission
    The European Space Agency's Planck satellite was launched on 14 May 2009, and has been surveying the sky stably and continuously since 13 August 2009. Its performance is well in line with expectations, and it will continue to gather scientific data until the end of its cryogenic lifetime. We give an overview of the history of Planck in its first
    Planck Collaboration et al.

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  • Planck early results. II. The thermal performance of Planck
    The performance of the Planck instruments in space is enabled by their low operating temperatures, 20 K for LFI and 0.1 K for HFI, achieved through a combination of passive radiative cooling and three active mechanical coolers. The scientific requirement for very broad frequency coverage led to two detector technologies with widely different
    Planck Collaboration et al.

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  • Planck early results. III. First assessment of the Low Frequency Instrument in-flight performance
    The scientific performance of the Planck Low Frequency Instrument (LFI) after one year of in-orbit operation is presented. We describe the main optical parameters and discuss photometric calibration, white noise sensitivity, and noise properties. A preliminary evaluation of the impact of the main systematic effects is presented. For each of the
    Mennella, A. et al.

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  • Planck early results. IV. First assessment of the High Frequency Instrument in-flight performance
    The Planck High Frequency Instrument (HFI) is designed to measure the temperature and polarization anisotropies of the cosmic microwave background and Galactic foregrounds in six ~30% bands centered at 100, 143, 217, 353, 545, and 857 GHz at an angular resolution of 10' (100 GHz), 7' (143 GHz), and 5' (217 GHz and higher). HFI has been operating
    Mercier, C. et al.

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  • Planck early results. IX. XMM-Newton follow-up for validation of Planck cluster candidates
    We present the XMM-Newton follow-up for confirmation of Planck cluster candidates. Twenty-five candidates have been observed to date using snapshot (~10ks) exposures, ten as part of a pilot programme to sample a low range of signal-to-noise ratios (4 S/N 6), and a further 15 in a programme to observe a sample of S/N > 5 candidates. The
    Planck Collaboration et al.

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  • Planck early results. V. The Low Frequency Instrument data processing
    We describe the processing of data from the Low Frequency Instrument (LFI) used in production of the Planck Early Release Compact Source Catalogue (ERCSC). In particular, we discuss the steps involved in reducing the data from telemetry packets to cleaned, calibrated, time-ordered data (TOD) and frequency maps. Data are continuously calibrated
    Zacchei, A. et al.

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