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  • Arm-interarm gas abundance variations explored with MUSE: the role of spiral structure in the chemical enrichment of galaxies
    Spiral arms are the most characteristic features of disc galaxies, easily distinguishable due to their association with ongoing star formation. However, the role of spiral structure in the chemical evolution of galaxies is unclear. Here, we explore gas-phase abundance variations between arm and interarm regions for a sample of 45 spiral galaxies
    Sánchez-Menguiano, L. et al.

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  • Arp 70: an interacting galaxy with extreme outflows
    We analysed a Fabry-Pérot (FP) cube of the interacting pair of galaxies Arp 70, which was obtained from the CeSAM public repository of FP data. On the larger galaxy Arp 70b, we detected the spectral signature of two different outflows, one located in the centre and the other associated with a giant H II region in the arm region. The central outflow
    Camps-Fariña, A. et al.

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  • Can we detect the stellar differential rotation of WASP-7 through the Rossiter-McLaughlin observations?
    The Rossiter-McLaughlin (RM) effect is the radial velocity signal generated when an object transits a rotating star. Stars rotate differentially and this affects the shape and amplitude of this signal, on a level that can no longer be ignored with precise spectrographs. Highly misaligned planets provide a unique opportunity to probe stellar
    Serrano, L. M. et al.

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  • Characterizing the companion AGBs using surface chemical composition of barium stars
    Barium stars are one of the important probes to understand the origin and evolution of slow neutron-capture process elements in the Galaxy. These are extrinsic stars, where the observed s-process element abundances are believed to have an origin in the now invisible companions that produced these elements at their asymptotic giant branch (AGB)
    Shejeelammal, J. et al.

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  • Detection of Na, K, and Hα absorption in the atmosphere of WASP-52b using ESPRESSO
    WASP-52b is a low-density hot Jupiter orbiting a moderately active K2V star. Previous low-resolution studies have revealed a cloudy atmosphere and found atomic Na above the cloud deck. Here we report on the detection of excess absorption at the Na doublet, the Hα line, and the K D 1 line. We derived a high-resolution transmission spectrum based on
    Chen, G. et al.

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  • Discovery of long-period magnetic field oscillations and motions in isolated sunspots
    We analyse the temporal evolution of the inclination component of the magnetic field vector for the penumbral area of 25 isolated sunspots. Compared to previous works, the use of data from the HMI instrument aboard the SDO observatory facilitates the study of a very long time series (≈1 week) with a good spatial and temporal resolution. We used the
    Griñón-Marín, A. B. et al.

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