
This section contains the publications database that collects IAC articles published in scientific journals. Please, click on the arrow to see full search filter and sort options: author, journal, year, etc..

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  • Two-dimensional simulations of coronal rain dynamics. I. Model consisting of a vertical magnetic field and an unbounded atmosphere
    Context. Coronal rain often comes about as the final product of evaporation and condensation cycles that occur in active regions. Observations show that the condensed plasma falls with an acceleration that is less than that of free fall. Aims: We aim to improve the understanding of the physical mechanisms behind the slower than free-fall motion and
    Martínez-Gómez, D. et al.

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  • XO-7 b: A Transiting Hot Jupiter with a Massive Companion on a Wide Orbit
    Transiting planets orbiting bright stars are the most favorable targets for follow-up and characterization. We report the discovery of the transiting hot Jupiter XO-7 b and of a second, massive companion on a wide orbit around a circumpolar, bright, and metal-rich G0 dwarf (V = 10.52, {T} eff}=6250+/- 100 {{K}}, [{Fe}/{{H}}]=0.432+/- 0.057 {dex})
    Crouzet, Nicolas et al.

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  • A dwarf-dwarf merger and dark matter core as a solution to the globular cluster problems in the Fornax dSph
    The five globular clusters (GCs) of the Fornax dwarf spheroidal galaxy are puzzling for two reasons; the mass in GCs is high with respect to the galaxy's old stellar mass and their survival and large distance (>1 kpc) is at odds with naive expectations of dynamical friction. We present here a semi-analytic model, simultaneously addressing both
    Leung, Gigi Y. C. et al.

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  • A hydrodynamical study of outflows in starburst galaxies with different driving mechanisms
    Outflows from starburst galaxies can be driven by thermal pressure, radiation, and cosmic rays. We present an analytic phenomenological model that accounts for these contributions simultaneously to investigate their effects on the hydrodynamical properties of outflows. We assess the impact of energy injection, wind opacity, magnetic field strength
    Yu, B. P. Brian et al.

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  • A physically motivated definition for the size of galaxies in an era of ultradeep imaging
    Present-day multiwavelength deep imaging surveys allow to characterize the outskirts of galaxies with unprecedented precision. Taking advantage of this situation, we define a new physically motivated measurement of size for galaxies based on the expected location of the gas density threshold for star formation. Employing both theoretical and
    Trujillo, Ignacio et al.

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  • Analysis in the visible range of NASA Lucy mission targets: Eurybates, Polymele, Orus and Donaldjohanson.
    Jupiter Trojan asteroids are minor bodies that share Jupiter's orbit around the Sun. Although not yet well understood in origin and composition, they have surface properties that, besides being comparable with other populations of small bodies in the Solar System, hold information that may restrict models of planetary formation. Because of this
    Souza-Feliciano, A. C. et al.

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