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  • Development of image texture analysis technique for boulder distribution measurements: Applications to asteroids Ryugu and Itokawa
    Recent asteroid missions have revealed that many sub-kilometer asteroids are rubble piles. Large parts of their surfaces are covered with boulders larger than tens of centimeters. An evaluation of the abundance and size distribution of boulders provides clues to understand surface processes on boulder-covered asteroids. Here we report a new method
    Tanabe, Naoya et al.

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  • Supernova constraints on dark flavored sectors
    Proto-neutron stars forming a few seconds after core-collapse supernovae are hot and dense environments where hyperons can be efficiently produced by weak processes. By making use of various state-of-the-art supernova simulations combined with the proper extensions of the equations of state including Λ hyperons, we calculate the cooling of the star
    Martin Camalich, Jorge et al.

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  • HADES RV Programme with HARPS-N at TNG. XIII. A sub-Neptune around the M dwarf GJ 720 A
    Context. The high number of super-Earth and Earth-like planets in the habitable zone detected around M-dwarf stars in recent years has revealed these stellar objects to be the key to planetary radial velocity (RV) searches. Aims: Using the HARPS-N spectrograph within The HArps-n red Dwarf Exoplanet Survey (HADES) we have reached the precision
    González-Álvarez, E. et al.

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  • Hubble spectroscopy of LB-1: Comparison with B+black-hole and Be+stripped-star models
    Context. LB-1 (alias ALS 8775) has been proposed as either an X-ray dim B-type star plus black hole (B+BH) binary or a Be star plus an inflated stripped star (Be+Bstr) binary. The latter hypothesis contingent upon the detection and characterization of the hidden broad-lined star in a composite optical spectrum. Aims: Our study is aimed at testing
    Lennon, D. J. et al.

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  • Mass and density of the transiting hot and rocky super-Earth LHS 1478 b (TOI-1640 b)
    One of the main objectives of the Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite (TESS) mission is the discovery of small rocky planets around relatively bright nearby stars. Here, we report the discovery and characterization of the transiting super-Earth planet orbiting LHS 1478 (TOI-1640). The star is an inactive red dwarf (J ~ 9.6 mag and spectral type
    Soto, M. G. et al.

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