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Además ofrece acceso al  repositorio de preprints del IAC:

  • The OTELO Survey: The Star Formation Rate Evolution of Low-mass Galaxies
    We present the analysis of a sample of Hα, Hβ, and [O II] emission line galaxies from the OTELO survey, with masses typically below $\mathrm{log}({M}_{* }/{M}_{\odot })\sim 9.4$ and redshifts between z ~ 0.4 and 1.43. We study the star formation rate, star formation rate density, and their number density and evolution with redshift. We obtain a
    Cedrés, Bernabé et al.

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  • The Pristine Inner Galaxy Survey (PIGS) III: carbon-enhanced metal-poor stars in the bulge
    The most metal-deficient stars hold important clues about the early buildup and chemical evolution of the Milky Way, and carbon-enhanced metal-poor (CEMP) stars are of special interest. However, little is known about CEMP stars in the Galactic bulge. In this paper, we use the large spectroscopic sample of metal-poor stars from the Pristine Inner
    Arentsen, Anke et al.

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  • The SAMI Galaxy Survey: the third and final data release
    We have entered a new era where integral-field spectroscopic surveys of galaxies are sufficiently large to adequately sample large-scale structure over a cosmologically significant volume. This was the primary design goal of the SAMI Galaxy Survey. Here, in Data Release 3, we release data for the full sample of 3068 unique galaxies observed. This
    Croom, Scott M. et al.

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  • The X-SHOOTER Lyman α survey at z = 2 (XLS-z2) I: what makes a galaxy a Lyman α emitter?
    We present the first results from the X-SHOOTER Lyman α survey at z = 2 (XLS-z2). XLS-z2 is a deep spectroscopic survey of 35 Lyman α emitters (LAEs) utilizing ≍90 h of exposure time with Very Large Telescope/X-SHOOTER and covers rest-frame Ly α to H α emission with R ≍ 4000. We present the sample selection, the observations, and the data reduction
    Matthee, Jorryt et al.

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  • A massive open cluster hiding in full sight
    Obscuration and confusion conspire to limit our knowledge of the inner Milky Way. Even at moderate distances, the identification of stellar systems becomes compounded by the extremely high density of background sources. Here, we provide a very revealing example of these complications by unveiling a large, massive, young cluster in the Sagittarius
    Negueruela, I. et al.

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  • Constraining the solar neighbourhood age-metallicity relation from white dwarf-main sequence binaries
    The age-metallicity relation (AMR) is a fundamental tool for constraining the chemical evolution of the Galactic disc. In this work, we analyse the observational properties of this relation using binary stars that have not interacted consisting of a white dwarf (WD) - from which we can derive the total age of the system - and a main sequence (MS)
    Rebassa-Mansergas, A. et al.

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