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Además ofrece acceso al  repositorio de preprints del IAC:

  • Validation of the Scientific Program for the Dark Energy Spectroscopic Instrument
    The Dark Energy Spectroscopic Instrument (DESI) was designed to conduct a survey covering 14,000 deg 2 over 5 yr to constrain the cosmic expansion history through precise measurements of baryon acoustic oscillations (BAO). The scientific program for DESI was evaluated during a 5 month survey validation (SV) campaign before beginning full operations
    DESI Collaboration et al.

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  • Absence of radio-bright dominance in a near-infrared selected sample of red quasars
    Context. The dichotomy between red and blue quasars is still an open question. It is debated whether red quasars are simply blue quasars that are observed at certain inclination angles or if they provide insight into a transitional phase in the evolution of quasars. Aims: We investigate the relation between quasar colors and radio-detected fraction
    Vejlgaard, S. et al.

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  • Density discrepancy between transit-timing variations and radial velocity: Insights from the host star composition
    Context. The determination of planetary densities from the masses derived with the radial velocity (RV) and transit-timing variation (TTV) methods reveals discrepancies. Specifically, planets detected through RV exhibit higher densities than those detected through TTV, even though their radii are similar. Understanding the origins of these
    Adibekyan, V. et al.

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  • Dynamics of 2023 FW<SUB>14</SUB>, the second L<SUB>4</SUB> Mars trojan, and a physical characterization using the 10.4 m Gran Telescopio Canarias
    Context. Known Mars trojans could be primordial small bodies that have remained in their present-day orbits for the age of the Solar System. Their orbital distribution is strongly asymmetric; there are over a dozen objects at the L 5 point and just one at L 4, (121514) 1999 UJ 7. Most L 5 trojans appear to form a collision-induced asteroid cluster
    de la Fuente Marcos, R. et al.

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  • Euclid preparation. XXXV. Covariance model validation for the two-point correlation function of galaxy clusters
    Aims: We validate a semi-analytical model for the covariance of the real-space two-point correlation function of galaxy clusters. Methods: Using 1000 PINOCCHIO light cones mimicking the expected Euclid sample of galaxy clusters, we calibrated a simple model to accurately describe the clustering covariance. Then, we used this model to quantify the
    Euclid Collaboration et al.

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  • Euclid: Improving the efficiency of weak lensing shear bias calibration. Pixel noise cancellation and the response method on trial
    To obtain an accurate cosmological inference from upcoming weak lensing surveys such as the one conducted by Euclid, the shear measurement requires calibration using galaxy image simulations. As it typically requires millions of simulated galaxy images and consequently a substantial computational effort, seeking methods to speed the calibration up
    Jansen, H. et al.

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