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  • Optical phase curve of the ultra-hot Jupiter WASP-121b
    We present the analysis of TESS optical photometry of WASP-121b, which reveals the phase curve of this transiting ultra-hot Jupiter. Its hotspot is located at the sub-stellar point, showing inefficient heat transport from the dayside (2870 ± 50 K) to the nightside (<2500 K at 3σ) at the altitudes probed by TESS. The TESS eclipse depth, measured at
    Bourrier, V. et al.

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  • Spectroscopic and Asteroseismic Analysis of the Secondary Clump Red Giant HD 226808
    In order to clarify the properties of the secondary clump star HD 226808 (KIC 5307747), we combined four years of data from Kepler space photometry with high-resolution spectroscopy of the High Efficiency and Resolution Mercator Échelle Spectrograph mounted on the Mercator telescope. The fundamental atmospheric parameters, radial velocities
    De Moura, Bruno Lustosa et al.

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  • The Fornax 3D project: Globular clusters tracing kinematics and metallicities
    Globular clusters (GCs) are found ubiquitously in massive galaxies and due to their old ages, they are regarded as fossil records of galaxy evolution. Spectroscopic studies of GC systems are often limited to the outskirts of galaxies, where GCs stand out against the galaxy background and serve as bright tracers of galaxy assembly. In this work, we
    Fahrion, K. et al.

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  • The Fornax 3D project: Non-linear colour-metallicity relation of globular clusters
    Globular cluster (GC) systems of massive galaxies often show a bimodal colour distribution. This has been interpreted as a metallicity bimodality, created by a two-stage galaxy formation where the red, metal-rich GCs were formed in the parent halo and the blue metal-poor GCs were accreted. This interpretation, however, crucially depends on the
    Fahrion, K. et al.

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  • The OTELO survey. A case study of [O III] λ4959,5007 emitters at ⟨z⟩ = 0.83 (Corrigendum)
    Bongiovanni, Ángel et al.

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