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  • Spin-driven evolution of asteroids' top-shapes at fast and slow spins seen from (101955) Bennu and (162173) Ryugu
    Proximity observations by OSIRIS-REx and Hayabusa2 provided clues on the shape evolution processes of the target asteroids, (101955) Bennu and (162173) Ryugu. Their oblate shapes with equatorial ridges, or the so-called top shapes, may have evolved due to their rotational conditions at present and in the past. Different shape evolution scenarios
    Hirabayashi, Masatoshi et al.

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  • Digging into the mystery of the Galactic globular clusters M22 and NGC1851
    We propose to collect deep near-infrared (NIR) images of two peculiar Galactic globular clusters (GGCs), NGC1851 and M22, to explore the properties of their multiple stellar populations. These GGCs display multiple sequences along the red-giant and sub-giant branches in ultraviolet-optical color-magnitude diagrams (CMDs), and spectroscopy confirmed
    Calamida, Annalisa et al.

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  • Asteroseismic masses of four evolved planet-hosting stars using SONG and TESS: resolving the retired A-star mass controversy
    The study of planet occurrence as a function of stellar mass is important for a better understanding of planet formation. Estimating stellar mass, especially in the red giant regime, is difficult. In particular, stellar masses of a sample of evolved planet-hosting stars based on spectroscopy and grid-based modelling have been put to question over
    Malla, Sai Prathyusha et al.

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  • Optical spectroscopy of BL Lac objects: TeV candidates
    We investigate the spectroscopic optical properties of gamma-ray sources detected with high significance above 50 GeV in the Third Catalog of Hard Fermi-LAT Sources and that are good candidates as TeV emitters. We focus on the 91 sources that are labelled by the Fermi team as BL Lac (BLL) objects or blazar candidates of uncertain type (BCUs), are
    Paiano, Simona et al.

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  • Spectral library of age-benchmark low-mass stars and brown dwarfs
    In recent years, some extremely red brown dwarfs have been discovered. They were believed to have a low surface gravity, but many of their spectral characteristics are similar to those of high-surface-gravity brown dwarfs, showing that the spectral characteristics of young brown dwarfs are poorly understood. We aim to test surface-gravity
    Manjavacas, E. et al.

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  • A New Class of Roche Lobe-filling Hot Subdwarf Binaries
    We present the discovery of the second binary with a Roche lobe-filling hot subdwarf transferring mass to a white dwarf (WD) companion. This 56 minute binary was discovered using data from the Zwicky Transient Facility. Spectroscopic observations reveal an He-sdOB star with an effective temperature of T eff = 33,700 ± 1000 K and a surface gravity
    Kupfer, Thomas et al.

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