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  • Ad orientem: Las iglesias románicas del Camino Francés en los reinos de Castilla y León bajo la perspectiva de la Astronomía Cultural*Ad orientem: Romanesque Churches of the French Way in the kingdoms of Castile and Leon from a Cultural Astronomy perspect
    RESUMEN: En este trabajo se examina, desde la perspectiva de la Astronomía Cultural, si las iglesias románicas del Camino de Santiago siguen un patrón de orientación común a todas ellas. Para ello, se ha obtenido la orientación Ambos reinos comparten orientaciones hacia la salida del sol el domingo de Pascua, probablemente obtenidas en su mayoría
    Belmonte, J. A. et al.

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  • AGB Stars and Their Circumstellar Envelopes. I. the VULCAN Code
    The interplay between AGB interiors and their outermost layers, where molecules and dust form, is a problem of high complexity. As a consequence, physical processes like mass loss, which depend on the chemistry of the circumstellar envelope, are often oversimplified. The best candidates to drive mass-loss in AGB stars are dust grains, which trap
    Nanni, Ambra et al.

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  • AGB Stars and Their Circumstellar Envelopes: An Operative Approach to Computing Their Atmospheres
    The study of AGB stars necessarily covers a wide range of topics, from the primary astronomical observations to their interpretation in terms of fundamental physics. All that requires proper ad hoc methodologies, among which numerical modeling of the outer layers of AGB stars plays a paramount role. In this paper, we present an iterative sequential
    Cristallo, Sergio et al.

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  • Anomalously porous boulders on (162173) Ryugu as primordial materials from its parent body
    Planetesimals—the initial stage of the planetary formation process—are considered to be initially very porous aggregates of dusts 1,2, and subsequent thermal and compaction processes reduce their porosity 3. The Hayabusa2 spacecraft found that boulders on the surface of asteroid (162173) Ryugu have an average porosity of 30-50% (refs. 4-6), higher
    Sakatani, N. et al.

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  • A space mission to map the entire observable universe using the CMB as a backlight
    This Science White Paper, prepared in response to the ESA Voyage 2050 call for long-term mission planning, aims to describe the various science possibilities that can be realized with an L-class space observatory that is dedicated to the study of the interactions of cosmic microwave background (CMB) photons with the cosmic web. Our aim is
    Bartlett, James G. et al.

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