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Además ofrece acceso al  repositorio de preprints del IAC:

  • The bipolar H II region S 201
    The authors discuss the nature of S 201 in the light of new optical and infrared observations, in terms of the interaction between an evolved H II region and a nearby molecular cloud. The energetics of the region and the role of star formation in that area are also briefly discussed.
    Mampaso, A. et al.

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  • Star formation in Seyfert galaxies
    An analysis of the IRAS data for a sample of classical (optically selected) Seyfert galaxies is presented. The IRAS fluxes at 25 micron, 60 micron, and 100 micron are found to be uncorrelated or only very weakly correlated with the UV/Optical continuum flux and the near and mid IR flux at 3.5 and 10 microns. To investigate the possibility that star
    Rodriguez Espinosa, J. M. et al.

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  • Search for the near infrared counterparts of compact H II regions and/or H2O masers.
    The authors present the preliminary results of a search for near-infrared counterparts of compact H II regions and/or H2O masers in the Galactic Plane, probably associated with IRAS sources. J, H, K, L and M photometry of 10 new detections is reported.
    Carballo, R. et al.

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  • On the infrared emission of the exciting star of the Herbig-Haro objects 1 and 2.
    Not Available
    Tapia, M. et al.

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  • NGC 6946: kinematics of the starburst in the circum-nuclear zone.
    Using spectroscopic observations at relatively high resolution (Δλ ≡ 0.35 Å) in the region within 30 arcseconds of the nucleus of NGC 6946 the authors have found clear evidence of a strong expansion, with velocities of order 100 km s-1. By comparison with intensity maps in H I (21 cm) H2 (CO 2.6 mm) and Hα taken from the literature the authors
    Muñoz Tuñón, C. et al.

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  • NGC 2403: a flocculent galaxy with two principal centres of star formation.
    The authors have mapped the nearby flocculent spiral galaxy in the visible U, B and V bands, as well as in the near infrared J, H and K bands, with a linear resolution of 900 pc. The galaxy is found to have two principal current centres of large-scale star formation, signposted by centres of ultraviolet and blue flux. One is in the nucleus, defined
    Beckman, J. et al.

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