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  • The SDSS-III APOGEE Radial Velocity Survey of M Dwarfs. I. Description of the Survey and Science Goals
    We are carrying out a large ancillary program with the Sloan Digital Sky Survey, SDSS-III, using the fiber-fed multi-object near-infrared APOGEE spectrograph, to obtain high-resolution H-band spectra of more than 1200 M dwarfs. These observations will be used to measure spectroscopic rotational velocities, radial velocities, physical stellar
    Deshpande, R. et al.

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  • The SDSS-III APOGEE Spectral Line List for H-band Spectroscopy
    We present the H-band spectral line lists adopted by the Apache Point Observatory Galactic Evolution Experiment (APOGEE). The APOGEE line lists comprise astrophysical, theoretical, and laboratory sources from the literature, as well as newly evaluated astrophysical oscillator strengths and damping parameters. We discuss the construction of the
    Shetrone, M. et al.

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  • The SDSS-IV Extended Baryon Oscillation Spectroscopic Survey: Quasar Target Selection
    As part of the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) IV the extended Baryon Oscillation Spectroscopic Survey (eBOSS) will improve measurements of the cosmological distance scale by applying the Baryon Acoustic Oscillation (BAO) method to quasar samples. eBOSS will adopt two approaches to target quasars over 7500 deg2. First, a “CORE” quasar sample will
    Myers, A. D. et al.

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  • The SDSS-UKIDSS Fundamental Plane of Early-Type Galaxies
    We derive the fundamental plane (FP) relation for a sample of 1430 early-type galaxies in the optical (r band) and the near-infrared (K band), by combining SDSS and UKIDSS data. With such a large, homogeneous data set, we are able to assess the dependence of the FP on the wave band. Our analysis indicates that the FP of luminous early-type galaxies
    La Barbera, F. et al.

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  • The search for life in our Galaxy: using the solar system planets as benchmarks
    Over the past decades a large diversity in planetary systems, accompanied by a large diversity of planetary natures, have been discovered. Nevertheless, despite probable surprises, our knowledge of the solar system planets will be our guidance in the interpretation of the physical properties of extrasolar planet atmospheres. Thus, the solar system
    Montañés-Rodríguez, P. et al.

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  • The search for radial velocity variations in rapidly oscillating AP stars using the Fabry-Perot Interferometric Stellar Oscillation Spectrometer (FP-ISOS)
    Radial velocity measurements were taken of a group of Ap stars using an improved FP-ISOS. Observations were made using the 1.5m TCS on Tenerife in May 1987 and December 1987. The already known rapidly oscillating Ap stars 33 Lib and HR1217 were observed in order to search for radial velocity variations corresponding to the photometric periods found
    Leeper, M. et al.

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