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  • The light curve of blazar 3C 66A
    During the international OJ-94 campaign we have also monitored blazar 3C 66A. Since fall 1993 we have collected over 500 V-band observations. This constitutes more data than all the previous observations put together. During this monitoring the blazar was in outburst reaching V-magnitude 13.7 (JD 9414). This is the brightest it has ever been
    Takalo, L. O. et al.

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  • The Line Emission Region in III Zw 2: Kinematics and Variability
    We have studied the Lyα, Hβ, Hα, and Mg II λ2798 line profiles of the Seyfert 1 galaxy III Zw 2. The shapes of these broad emission lines show evidence of a multicomponent origin and also features that may be identified as the peaks due to a rotating disk. We have proposed a two-component broad-line region (BLR) model consisting of an inner
    Popović, L. Č. et al.

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  • The lithium resonance line in T Tauri stars
    High-resolution spectra provide evidence of the Li-I 6707 line in 28 of the stars, and the significance of the results is discussed. The Li-I equivalent widths are presented after correcting for continuum veiling with actual measurements of the veiling itself. Surface spots are found to have a complex effect on the width of the photospheric lines
    Basri, G. et al.

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  • The Local Group Dwarf Irregular Galaxy NGC 6822.III. The Recent Star Formation History
    We present a quantitative derivation of the recent star formation history (SFH) in different regions in the main body of NGC 6822. It has been performed using a set of model CM diagrams computed under different assumptions for the recent (~400 Myr) SFH and in which the crowding effects have been simulated using the particular crowding information
    Gallart, C. et al.

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  • The long Galactic bar as seen by UKIDSS Galactic plane survey
    Context: Over the past decade there have been a series of results supporting the hypothesis of the existence of a long thin bar in the Milky Way with a half-length of 4.5 kpc and a position angle of around 45°. This is apparently a very different structure from the triaxial bulge of the Galaxy, which is thicker and shorter and dominates the star
    Cabrera-Lavers, A. et al.

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  • The M 4 Core Project with HST: I. Overview and first epoch
    We present an overview of the ongoing Hubble Space Telescope large program GO-12911. The program is focused on the core of M 4, the nearest Galactic globular cluster, and the observations are designed to constrain the number of binaries with massive companions (black holes, neutron stars, or white dwarfs) by measuring the ``wobble'' of the luminous
    Bedin, L. R. et al.

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