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Además ofrece acceso al  repositorio de preprints del IAC:

  • The evolution of the Light Elements, Be and B (also Li), in the Galaxy
    We consider the evolution of the light elements, especially beryllium and boron but also lithium, in the Galaxy as derived from observations within 1 kpc of the Sun. The interest in Li has much to do with the evaluation of the universal baryon abundance via primordial nucleosynthesis, but the difficulties of interpretation have led to the need to
    Beckman, J. E. et al.

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  • The Extended Bar and Grand-Design Spirals in NGC 5248
    We present a study of the grand-design spiral galaxy NGC 5248 (Jogee et al. 2002a,b) based on a combination of multi-wavelength % optical, near-infrared, and CO (J=1--O) observations and hydrodynamical modeling.
    Jogee, S. et al.

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  • The Extensive Age Gradient of the Carina Dwarf Galaxy
    The evolution of small systems such as dwarf spheroidal galaxies (dSphs) is likely to have been a balance between external environmental effects and internal processes within their own relatively shallow potential wells. Assessing how strong such environmental interactions may have been is therefore an important element in understanding the
    Battaglia, G. et al.

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  • The Faint "Heartbeats" of IGR J17091-3624: An Exceptional Black Hole Candidate
    We report on the first 180 days of Rossi X-Ray Timing Explorer observations of the outburst of the black hole candidate IGR J17091-3624. This source exhibits a broad variety of complex light curve patterns including periods of strong flares alternating with quiet intervals. Similar patterns in the X-ray light curves have been seen in the (up to now
    Altamirano, D. et al.

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  • The Fermi-GBM X-ray burst monitor
    We discuss the first results of the Fermi-GBM all-sky search for X-ray bursts. The very large field of view and X-ray response of the Fermi-GBM make it a unique instrument to study rare, bright and short-lived X-ray bursts. We are performing a systematic search that exploits such capabilities. We present results on long/intermediate type I X-ray
    Linares, M. et al.

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  • The First APOKASC Catalog of Kepler Dwarf and Subgiant Stars
    We present the first APOKASC catalog of spectroscopic and asteroseismic data for dwarfs and subgiants. Asteroseismic data for our sample of 415 objects have been obtained by the Kepler mission in short (58.5 s) cadence, and light curves span from 30 up to more than 1000 days. The spectroscopic parameters are based on spectra taken as part of the
    Serenelli, A. et al.

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