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  • The Century Survey Galactic Halo Project
    The Century Survey is a photometric survey strip from which we select blue stars to probe the Milky Way halo. We obtain S/N=30 spectra for every star with (V-R)
    Brown, W. R. et al.

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  • The Chemical Abundances of the Hydrogen-poor Planetary Nebulae A30 and A58
    We present new CCD narrowband images and spatially resolved intermediate-dispersion spectroscopy of the hydrogen-poor nebulae A30 and A58. These data have allowed us to obtain information on the physical properties and chemical abundances of the inner knots and outer envelopes of A30 and A58 as a basis for the discussion of their implications in
    Guerrero, M. A. et al.

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  • The chemical composition gradient across M 33
    The abundance gradient in M 33 is studied on the basis of IPCS and CCD data on emission lines in selected H II regions, using O II, O III, S II, and S III in the wavelength range 3700-9600 A to refine the oxygen abundances in the inner parts as well as to study the behavior of S/O. Spatially resolved observations in each H II region permit the
    Vilchez, J. M. et al.

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  • The chemical composition of carbon stars. The R-type stars
    Aims. The aim of this work is to shed some light on the problem of the formation of carbon stars of R-type from a detailed study of their chemical composition. Methods: We use high-resolution and high signal-to-noise optical spectra of 23 R-type stars (both early- and late-types) selected from the Hipparcos catalogue. The chemical analysis is made
    Zamora, O. et al.

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  • The chemical composition of stars with extrasolar planetary systems
    Spectroscopic studies of stars with and without planetary systems have concluded that planet hosts are more metal-rich. This enrichment is also seen in the other chemical elements studied and is likely to be primordial in nature. Interesting trends of different chemical elements begin to appear as the number of extrasolar planets continues to grow
    Israelian, G.

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  • The Chromospheric Lyman Alpha SpectroPolarimeter (CLASP)
    Magnetic fields in the solar chromosphere play a key role in the energy transfer and dynamics of the solar atmosphere. Yet a direct observation of the chromospheric magnetic field remains one of the greatest challenges in solar physics. While some advances have been made for observing the Zeeman effect in strong chromospheric lines, the effect is
    Kobayashi, K. et al.

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