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  • AlH lines in the blue spectrum of Proxima Centauri
    The recently computed ExoMol line lists for isotopologues of AlH are used to analyse the blue spectrum (4000-4500 Å) of Proxima Cen (M5.5 V). Comparison of the observed and computed spectra enables the identification of a large number of 27AlH lines of the A 1Π -X 1Σ + band system: The spectral range covering 1-0, 0-0, and 1-1 bands are dominated
    Pavlenko, Yakiv V. et al.

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  • A refined dynamical mass for the black hole in the X-ray transient XTE J1859+226
    We present two contiguous nights of simultaneous time-resolved Gran Telescopio Canarias spectroscopy and William Herschel Telescope photometry of the black hole X-ray transient XTE J1859+226, obtained in 2017 July during quiescence. Cross-correlation of the individual spectra against a late K-type spectral template enabled us to constrain the
    Yanes-Rizo, I. V. et al.

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  • A new reference catalogue for the very metal-poor Universe: +150 OB stars in Sextans A
    Local Group (LG) very metal-poor massive stars are the best proxy for the First Stars of the Universe and fundamental to modelling the evolution of early galaxies. These stars may follow new evolutionary pathways restricted to very low metallicities, such as chemically homogeneous evolution (CHE). However, given the great distance leap needed to
    Lorenzo, M. et al.

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  • A detailed study of the barium central star of the planetary nebula Abell 70
    We present a detailed study of the barium star at the heart of the planetary nebula Abell 70. Time-series photometry obtained over a period of more than 10 yr demonstrates that the barium-contaminated companion is a rapid rotator with temporal variability due to spots. The amplitude and phasing of the photometric variability change abruptly
    Jones, David et al.

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  • A deep learning approach to infer galaxy cluster masses from Planck Compton-y parameter maps
    Galaxy clusters are useful laboratories to investigate the evolution of the Universe, and accurate measurement of their total masses allows us to constrain important cosmological parameters. However, estimating mass from observations that use different methods and spectral bands introduces various systematic errors. Here we evaluate the use of a
    de Andres, Daniel et al.

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  • A census of OBe stars in nearby metal-poor dwarf galaxies reveals a high fraction of extreme rotators
    The early Universe, together with many nearby dwarf galaxies, is deficient in heavy elements. The evolution of massive stars in such environments is thought to be affected by rotation. Extreme rotators among them tend to form decretion disks and manifest themselves as OBe stars. We use a combination of UB, Gaia, Spitzer, and Hubble Space Telescope
    Schootemeijer, A. et al.

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