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Además ofrece acceso al  repositorio de preprints del IAC:

  • The ELM Survey. I. A Complete Sample of Extremely Low-mass White Dwarfs
    We analyze radial velocity observations of the 12 extremely low-mass (ELM), with
    Brown, Warren R. et al.

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  • The emission line-radio correlation for radio sources using the 7C Redshift Survey
    We have used narrow emission-line data from the new 7C Redshift Survey to investigate correlations between the narrow-line luminosities and the radio properties of radio galaxies and steep-spectrum quasars. The 7C Redshift Survey is a low-frequency (151MHz) selected sample with a flux density limit about 25 times fainter than the 3CRR sample. By
    Rawlings, Steve et al.

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  • The energy of waves in the photosphere and lower chromosphere. I. Velocity statistics
    Context: Acoustic waves are one of the primary suspects besides magnetic fields for the chromospheric heating process to temperatures above radiative equilibrium (RE). Aims: We derived the mechanical wave energy as seen in line-core velocities on disc centre to obtain a measure of mechanical energy flux with height for a comparison with the energy
    Beck, C. et al.

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  • The energy-dependent temporal variation of the ROSAT PSPC gain.
    The existence of systematic spectral-fit residuals in ROSAT PSPC spectra, and their dependence on time, is by now a well established fact. This paper describes how those residuals may be related to second order variations of the gain of the PSPC as a function of energy and time. As a result, the energy scale used for the interpretation of PSPC
    Prieto, M. A. et al.

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  • The enrichment history of cosmic metals
    We use a suite of cosmological, hydrodynamical simulations to investigate the chemical enrichment history of the Universe. Specifically, we trace the origin of the metals back in time to investigate when various gas phases were enriched and by what halo masses. We find that the age of the metals decreases strongly with the density of the gas in
    Wiersma, Robert P. C. et al.

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  • The European Large Area ISO Survey - VI. Discovery of a new hyperluminous infrared galaxy
    We report the discovery of the first hyperluminous infrared galaxy (HyLIG) in the course of the European Large Area ISO Survey (ELAIS). This object has been detected by ISO at 6.7, 15 and 90μm, and is found to be a broad-line, radio-quiet quasar at a redshift [formmu4]z=1.099. From a detailed multicomponent model fit of the spectral energy
    Morel, T. et al.

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