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  • K2-31B, a Grazing Transiting Hot Jupiter on a 1.26-day Orbit around a Bright G7V Star
    We report the discovery of K2-31b, the first confirmed transiting hot Jupiter detected by the K2 space mission. We combined K2 photometry with FastCam lucky imaging and FIES and HARPS high-resolution spectroscopy to confirm the planetary nature of the transiting object and derived the system parameters. K2-31b is a 1.8-Jupiter-mass planet on a 1.26
    Grziwa, S. et al.

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  • Keck HIRES spectra of the brown dwarf DENIS-P J1228.2-1547
    We report Keck high-resolution echelle spectroscopic observations of two very cool field dwarfs discovered by the near-IR photometric survey DENIS. DENIS-P J1228.2-1547 shows a conspicuous LiI resonance line that confirms it as an incontrovertible brown dwarf (BD). From the presence of Li, and its low surface temperature, we estimate from
    Martin, E. L. et al.

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  • Kinematical determination of the luminosity function in the solar neighborhood
    The luminosity function is not only crucial to know the stellar density distribution in space, and thus to know the structure of the Galaxy; it also allows the determination of the stellar mass function using the mass-luminosity relationship. The luminosity and mass functions are crucial to understand star formation and the evolution of the Milky
    Vicente, B. et al.

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  • Kinematics of globular cluster systems and the formation of early-type galaxies
    We numerically investigate the kinematic properties of globular cluster systems (GCSs) in E/S0 galaxies formed from dissipationless merging of spiral galaxies. The metal-poor globular clusters (MPCs) and metal-rich clusters (MRCs) in the merger progenitors are initially assumed to have spatial distributions consistent with the Milky Way GCS. Our
    Bekki, K. et al.

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  • Landscapes, Skyscapes, Archaeoastronomy (Book revew)
    Review of the book: Landscapes, Skyscapes, Archaeoastronomy Skyscapes: The Role and Importance of the Sky in Archaeology. Edited by Fabio Silva and Nicholas Campion (Oxbow Books, Oxford, 2015). Pp. xvi + 148. $80. ISBN 9781782978404.
    Belmonte, J. A.

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